Sanctus wrote:
I just read this article: ... order.aspx and noticed that I have maybe 90% of the symptoms mentioned. I always thought anxiety was something different.
Many people with a generalized anxiety disorder don't even recognize themself that they feel that way because of anxiety. That's why it can be actually very hard to diagnose.
I don't say that you have it, but it's possible.
I just wanted to mention that this is typical for chronic anxieties, that people don't even recognize that they have it themself.
I had this too.
Walking around for months with extrem anxiety and asking myself over and over "what is this?"
I don't know why it is this way. Anxiety is something very strange and it is this emototion I like the least.
And especially if you might also have alexithymia to it, it get's even more difficult.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen