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30 Sep 2012, 2:58 am

When I drink caffeine, I get hypomanic to a degree, which makes me somewhat sociable and talkative. When I don't drink any caffeine, I am my normal self: isolating myself in my room, not wanting too much human contact (or any on some days), having no emotion and being flat in my expressions.

Is anyone else affected by caffeine in this way?

I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.

Last edited by SteelMaiden on 30 Sep 2012, 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.


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30 Sep 2012, 5:38 am

When I drink anything containing caffeine, I become slightly hyperactive and sometimes, a little more emotional but it doesn't effect my ability to socialise at all. I think.



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30 Sep 2012, 6:32 am

Seems like I have two modes, can't talk and can't shut up. You can guess which one coffee puts me in.


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30 Sep 2012, 7:11 am

No; caffeine has the standard effect on me, increasing concentration and decreasing sleepiness.

I suppose that when I have more energy, I do get more social, but that doesn't help my communication ability any. If without caffeine I sit and contribute a few words here and there, and I drink some coffee and get an energy rush, I might end up chattering inanely about little or nothing, getting about the same amount of information across.

It might feel like I'm being more social; but in reality I'm just more active. The actual connection with others is the same. If I don't want to be social, I won't be, even if I am talking away at a hundred miles an hour in the general direction of anybody nearby.

"Talking" does not equal "communication". Remember that, folks.

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30 Sep 2012, 7:24 am

I think caffeine has a pretty standard effect on me too.


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30 Sep 2012, 7:51 am

caffeine puts me to sleep, or at least makes me drowsie.


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30 Sep 2012, 8:10 am

I don't notice any difference from caffeine.


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30 Sep 2012, 8:54 am

The only effect caffeine has on me is that it helps me with my low blood pressure.


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30 Sep 2012, 5:07 pm

Caffeine makes me moderately more alert and switched on. Nothing as drastic as what you describe though.

I found cutting out caffeine after long term excessive use had a far greater impact than introducing caffeine in the first place. I became really slow, foggy and depressed for quite a while (months) after quitting.



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30 Sep 2012, 5:40 pm

It can depend on how ADHD you are.

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30 Sep 2012, 11:48 pm

I've also heard it has to do with how ADHD you are.

Edited: Have any of you who sweeten your coffee considered if it might be a blood sugar swing causing a mood shift rather than the caffiene?
I have noticed over the years that I don't seem to actually have mood issues with caffiene. It does make me more anxious if I drink too much and it will cause my tachycardia to get worse, but it'll do that to most people. Experimenting with the sugar has shown me that I've had much more dramatic sugar problems over the years (enough to make me sick from sugar at times). I'm finding I must be sensitive so my mood will swing with my blood sugar and that's worse on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.
I really don't find coffee makes me any more sociable. I just like the way it tastes...but only made on the weak side. No battery acid for me, lol.

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30 Sep 2012, 11:56 pm

Teredia wrote:
caffeine puts me to sleep, or at least makes me drowsie.

Caffeine used to do that to me, pre-puberty. Now it has the standard effect of keeping me up.

I hypocritically say this as I drink Dr.Pepper close to midnight.
MrObvious wrote:
It can depend on how ADHD you are.

True--stimulants do increase your concentration. Caffeine help my ADHD, but only a little bit.

Living with one neurodevelopmental disability which has earned me a few diagnosis'


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01 Oct 2012, 12:55 am

I f*****g EXPLODE on caffeine. It's triggered manic episodes before.

Severe Tourette's With OCD Features.
Reconsidering ASD, I might just be NVLD.


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01 Oct 2012, 2:35 am

I have the OP reaction to caffeine. I avoid it as much as possible. I get incredibly hyper and talkative. Also what little social filter I have disappears. I give tmi a lot on caffeine. Also, it makes me have to use the bathroom like crazy. Unfortunately, I love the taste of coffee, but I can't have it.


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01 Oct 2012, 2:59 am

okay, might totally just be talking out of my asphalt, here.. but it kinda sounds like this is an indirect effect.
we know that caffeine at a moderate dose helps with focus and thought flow. we also know that people with AS are known to be very overstimulated by social situations. i know i am, especially the more people there are around. so it follows that a drug helping with focus and thought flow could take you from a state of "f**k i can't even put a thought together to say to these people, and i'm getting really worn out by all this stimulation" to "okay/normal".
anything that could narrow the range of focus and make it less of an ordeal for your brain, basically. at least, that's my own theory, which probably other people have had before me if there's any merit to it.


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01 Oct 2012, 4:25 am

Caffeine gives me anxiety like symptoms (if I consume too much of it, it can mimic an anxiety attack) and contributes to my sleep problems (fragmented sleep and/or insomnia). It can also trigger headaches (migraine type) so I tend to avoid it although I can tolerate low levels of it (ie a little milk chocolate) on occasion.

Most stimulants have adverse effects on me as my system tends to be over excitable/sensitive as it is. For that reason I am working more and more towards a clean lifestyle (avoiding processed foods, pulled off all medications, quit smoking etc). It seems to work best for me.