Their is this girl I used to like back in school. I liked her so much that I had my own idiosyncratic way of letting her know. I called her "birdy" and basically harassed her incessantly all through elementary school and Juinior High. She would get mad and start hitting me, and I would laugh. However, once I got into high school I kind of stopped talking to her. But then I found out through my sister that she was dropping subtle hints that she liked me back. She (my sister) said that her restinance to me was actually a result of her liking me back but being afraid to admit it. (probably because I am the way I am ) In my senior year I started talking to her a little more, and I one gave her a hug and she accepted. On the last day of school she gave me
an invitation to a graduation party, but like an idiot i lost it and was unable to RSVP .
I forgot about her for a while because I had a g/f at the time. But lately I've been thinking about her ALOT. I don't know whats wrong I'm like obsessed. I want to contact her but I don't thinks that possible for two reasons:
A: I have no idea of her whereabouts(ie. Moved, went away to college, has b/f or married, or joined the arm forces)
B:She might think I'm a creepazoid for contacting her and she basically might tell to **** off. But I was talking to a female friend of mine and she said I should try to contact her.
The problem is I have idea where she is and what shes doing. How can I cope with this? I want to contact her so bad, but I don't know how.