The problem is that I find my health in danger. Everytime someone asks me about my life looks stupefied why I don't have a normal life (like having a boyfriend, socializing, asking for love or having a job where to kiss my boss' ass). In the same time, my parents try to change me even if many times I have explained them that I can't change myself and they do me much harm with their rejection and pressure. If I go to a psychologist, they tell me society is the way it is and I can't change anything about it but then why it wants so badly to change me? If I go to a psychiatrist, automatically want to put me on meds because my lifestyle implies that I would have a depression (even though did had one and now I know how it feels and I don't feel it anymore). Nobody understands what i'm going through and they know only to judge, when actually nobody gives a f**k about me. I'm afraid that after a while people will say i'm crazy because I don't want to make a family, make babies or follow any rules that I find them to be absurd. If i try to make a friend, many times they don't have the same thinking as me and that annoys me and I'm losing my patience. I think many people are brainwashed and programmed to do what others do and think in the same way. I find this really disturbing.
iSpy wrote:
I have never been asked to be normal.
At least, maybe people know you are different. In my case, people think I'm normal and expect me to be like them.
I don't want to be like them. Most of them are scary and nuts in the brain (sorry if I offended someone or if it sounds arrogant)
But they are just following the course of nature. I can't blame them. If they're happy with their living, be it, but I don't want their living to interfere with my living.
japan wrote:
I've had countless people tell me things like this over the years. You'll never be happy trying to be something that you're not..But you also have to realize how happy you'll be being yourself. It was nice to hear someone else echo my views.
I am myself and people have a problem with it. Everytime i tried to understand their thinking and fit in the crowd, it turned out to be a totally disaster.