Offensive lyrics use the word "autistic" as an ins

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Pileated woodpecker
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18 Jul 2013, 8:54 am ... hat-phrase

On the song Jodeci freestyle by J. Cole and Drake, one of the lines that is written is “I’m artistic, you n----s is autistic, ret*d."

Whether you are a staunch ND activist or looking for treatment, I'm sure we can all agree that using "autistic" as an insult is deeply offensive, as autistics face various challenges.

And no, I didn't create this petition. I just discovered it.


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18 Jul 2013, 9:05 am

Just another rubbish marketing strategy from cr@p rappers.

You would have more impact if you organised aspies to on to their youtube and facebook videos and dislike instead, :thumbdown: don't leave a comment trying to explain what's right and wrong. This will get more attention from these talentless, image over substance, self-obsessed numb nuts.


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18 Jul 2013, 9:48 am

Drake sucks anyways... :x

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18 Jul 2013, 10:41 am

While I do agree with the petition and have signed it, I wonder if the more usual thing to do in terms of the use of the word "autistic" in the music industry would be for autistic rappers and musicians to get "airplay" on radio stations.

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18 Jul 2013, 10:49 am

Very rude IMO but i guess they changed it so i am happy they thought about what they did and will never do it again.

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18 Jul 2013, 12:49 pm

Rap is itself ret*d, intellectually, socially and culturally. As the saying goes "It takes one to know one." I do not respect the brainpower, much less the opinion, of a rap fan enough to care what they think. if indeed, they ever bother to do so. :roll:


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18 Jul 2013, 3:18 pm

atdevel wrote:

On the song Jodeci freestyle by J. Cole and Drake, one of the lines that is written is “I’m artistic, you n----s is autistic, ret*d."

Whether you are a staunch ND activist or looking for treatment, I'm sure we can all agree that using "autistic" as an insult is deeply offensive, as autistics face various challenges.

And no, I didn't create this petition. I just discovered it.

interesting,they decided to highlight the offensiveness of autistic as a slur in that line but not ret*d? or ngers?
when will people start sticking up for others besides themselves? when will disablism get the recognition it deserves like racism and homophobia?
am intelectualy disabled and thanks to americanisation of language over here have been bullied to suicide by total strangers and known people in the community who are relentless with disablist intelectual slurs such as ret*d,people do not have a clue of the history and connotations ret*d has,and no its nothing to do with wanting to be offended,its about wanting to not be dehumanized and treated like a useless husk who doesnt deserve a voice nor to be treated with any humanity because happen to have learning disability [US=ID].
and mental retardation hasnt been used as a label for several years unofficialy; campaigners and american pyschs had been transitioning the label to the new DSM one aka ID,plus even medications; such as one am on; tegretol ret*d has finaly changed the ret*d bit because of the connotations.

people need to have a think about how other language affects people other than themselves to and not just concentrate on speaking out about words that affect them,ret*d in particular covers a group in which most of us require support to advocate for ourselves-we NEED that help from other people who dont have our condition to help create awareness,its not well understood by the general public who assume we are just gagging to be offended, the same goes for autism; but its a more varied group.
we dont need language banning,we need awareness and understanding of how disablist slurs affect us;such as autism/autistic used as a slur or ret*d for example so people can choose to understand how it affects other people and not use it-or use it and look like a total ignorant bigoted twat.

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18 Jul 2013, 4:10 pm

Signed the petition. Disliked and flagged the official video. Such crappy marketing techniques are not worth commenting on.


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18 Jul 2013, 6:02 pm

KingdomOfRats wrote:
interesting,they decided to highlight the offensiveness of autistic as a slur in that line but not ret*d? or ngers?
when will people start sticking up for others besides themselves? when will disablism get the recognition it deserves like racism and homophobia?

I signed the petition, but also commented on the word "ret*d." I found it just as offensive as the use of "autistic" and Willard's use of the slur above is not helpful either.

am intelectualy disabled and thanks to americanisation of language over here have been bullied to suicide by total strangers and known people in the community who are relentless with disablist intelectual slurs such as ret*d,people do not have a clue of the history and connotations ret*d has,and no its nothing to do with wanting to be offended,its about wanting to not be dehumanized and treated like a useless husk who doesnt deserve a voice nor to be treated with any humanity because happen to have learning disability [US=ID].


Yes, this. When this topic comes up here, people talk about the euphemism treadmill as if it's a problem, or political correctness and somehow manage to ignore how the word reflects treatment of real people (that is, with contempt - as Willard's post above denotes).

people need to have a think about how other language affects people other than themselves to and not just concentrate on speaking out about words that affect them,ret*d in particular covers a group in which most of us require support to advocate for ourselves-we NEED that help from other people who dont have our condition to help create awareness,its not well understood by the general public who assume we are just gagging to be offended, the same goes for autism; but its a more varied group.
we dont need language banning,we need awareness and understanding of how disablist slurs affect us;such as autism/autistic used as a slur or ret*d for example so people can choose to understand how it affects other people and not use it-or use it and look like a total ignorant bigoted twat.


And again.


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18 Jul 2013, 6:10 pm

Willard wrote:
Rap is itself ret*d, intellectually, socially and culturally. As the saying goes "It takes one to know one." I do not respect the brainpower, much less the opinion, of a rap fan enough to care what they think. if indeed, they ever bother to do so. :roll:

You're being ridiculous - first you're repeating the same offense that prompted the petition in the first place by calling rap "ret*d." Second, you're assuming that liking rap automatically entails not being worth anything, and that's BS.

This kind of elitism (both your racism and your ableism / disablism) does nothing to help your point, although I can't find anything of a point after I filter those elements out.


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18 Jul 2013, 7:07 pm

I agree that what those rappers wrote is wrong, but how come no one ever takes offence at their repeatedly throwing the n-word around like it's no big deal? Is it because most rappers are black too? That's a double standard that we oughtn't put up with; if the people who wrote those lyrics were autistic, I would take as much offence to them as I do now, I find it hard to believe that so many black people are perfectly fine hearing that word used just because the people using it are also black.

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18 Jul 2013, 10:18 pm

Having endured consistent bullying involving words such as "freak" and "ret*d" I gladly signed this petition.

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19 Jul 2013, 12:11 am

atdevel wrote:
On the song Jodeci freestyle by J. Cole and Drake, one of the lines that is written is “I’m artistic, you n----s is autistic, ret*d."

Once been politically correct, perhaps it should be better to write “I’m artistic, you n----s is a------c, ret*d." :mrgreen:

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19 Jul 2013, 12:53 am

StarTrekker wrote:
I agree that what those rappers wrote is wrong, but how come no one ever takes offence at their repeatedly throwing the n-word around like it's no big deal? Is it because most rappers are black too? That's a double standard that we oughtn't put up with; if the people who wrote those lyrics were autistic, I would take as much offence to them as I do now, I find it hard to believe that so many black people are perfectly fine hearing that word used just because the people using it are also black.

It's fallacious to assume that no one ever takes offense at that. However, I think that it is entirely too easy for white people to get over involved in what black people say about themselves or to each other. I would not, however, assume that rappers' use of that word is not a point of contention in the black community.

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19 Jul 2013, 1:02 am

I signed because of Drake's use of ret*d and autistic in a negative connotation.


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19 Jul 2013, 1:09 am

Willard wrote:
Rap is itself ret*d, intellectually, socially and culturally. As the saying goes "It takes one to know one." I do not respect the brainpower, much less the opinion, of a rap fan enough to care what they think. if indeed, they ever bother to do so. :roll:

Nobody is forcing you to listen to rap music? While I personally dislike the wanton use of misogynistic. violent and racist lyrics in this genre of music, I appreciate it's a form of music that makes use extreme metaphorical expression to convey passion or emotion etc not unlike the way heavy metal music does...