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Do ya smoke?
Yes 32%  32%  [ 45 ]
No 68%  68%  [ 95 ]
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12 Oct 2012, 7:13 pm

This may be a touchy subject for any of us Aspies or NT people, but do you smoke?
I abhor it. I got my dad to quit 2004........ I just knew even as a kid how the cigarette smoke was affecting me. Best thing I did. :D


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12 Oct 2012, 7:41 pm

I also can't stand it, I find it to be such a nasty and unhealthy habit. It basically decimates your body, and doesn't appear to be very pleasurable at all, so I never understood why people get started in the first place (although I fully understand why people have trouble quitting once they do start).

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12 Oct 2012, 7:59 pm

equestriatola wrote:
This may be a touchy subject for any of us Aspies or NT people, but do you smoke?
I abhor it. I got my dad to quit 2004........ I just knew even as a kid how the cigarette smoke was affecting me. Best thing I did. :D

I agree. Unlike you though, my years of trying to get my dad to quit ( along with the rest of our family) did not work. He refused to give it up and died early from lung cancer. :(

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12 Oct 2012, 8:02 pm

I don't smoke now haven't since I was a teenager I gave up. It was a disgusting habit I only took up to be accepted by other teenagers.


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12 Oct 2012, 8:09 pm

I picked up smokes for a short time last year just to try to manage stress. Like my sensitivities to other 'drugs', I had increasingly adverse reactions to the point I could not continue. I suppose I am lucky. It was admittedly helpful at first. You would think I would have found it difficult at first and then built up a tolerance. I am backwards.


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12 Oct 2012, 8:16 pm

Never have, never will, utterly disgusting, I can't even be around people who do.

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12 Oct 2012, 8:27 pm

I used to smoke and think it is disgusting, but very pleasurable.


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12 Oct 2012, 8:33 pm

I detest it, too.

I only recently was talking about it with my colleagues (both non-smokers) and we all wondered why smokers start smoking in the first place (like someone posted earlier) when it's very unhealthy, costly, stinky and very unattractive. There is absolutely nothting good about it. One of my colleagues pointed out long-term smokers' skin kind of looks rather grayish and it is unattractive. Some smokers tend to be rude enough to smoke wherever they want even in non-smoking areas and litter the streets. The more you tell a smoker to quit, the more stubborn he/she tends to become. So you can't really do much about it. The only way to stop people smoking is to illegalize it though even that may not be enough. Luckily, none of my family smokes.

Sorry for my strongly negative view of smoking, but that's how I feel about it.


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12 Oct 2012, 8:43 pm

It's not a touchy subject for me, and I'll gladly be the first here to state that I proudly smoke tobacco.

It's interesting to note that many people get involved to be part of a social circle, like teenagers in high school.

For me, smoking has sometimes had the opposite advantage: it gives me an excuse to GET AWAY from people.

"Be right back, going for a smoke..." one of the perks is an excuse for alone time.

Plus, it's nice to light up a cigarette especially after a big meal or when I haven't had one it a really long time, they taste better than usual when I've been without for too long.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna step outside and have a cigarette.

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12 Oct 2012, 8:46 pm

eww no!

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12 Oct 2012, 10:21 pm

I cant seem to stop, it doesn't help that I am suicidal so if anything I like that smoking can cause death. I mean if they put a really morbid picture on cigarette packs and sold them as 'cancer sticks' I'd probably want them even more. I mean cigarette sounds kind of elegant, cancer stick is more straight and to the point.

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12 Oct 2012, 10:21 pm

At my school a lot of people smoke various substances, including but not limited to cigarettes. I think they think it makes them cool but I don't see how killing yourself is cool? But let me tell you, there's nothing worse than grabbing a bite to eat between classes and then running through a cloud of cigarette smoke and losing the delicious taste and smell of your lunch, only to be replaced by the disgusting, choking stench of burning chemicals.
I think it's part of the reason I hesitate to make friends here, and especially date people, because there's always that very high chance that they're smokers.
But being straight edge is only one of the many ways I don't fit in with everyone else at college.

Downtown's like that too. And there's also a ton of creepy homeless people that sometimes hit on me and sometimes beg for drug money (and they admit it's for drugs) even though I completely ignore them and don't make eye contact. I guess the hobos are relevant because a lot of them are the ones smoking. Hobos, Canadians, and college students. There are sometimes discussions to ban smoking on campus, downtown, on certain streets, etc but nothing ever comes of it. :(
It's a pity, because otherwise, this is a very beautiful, healthy city.


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12 Oct 2012, 10:42 pm

I used to smoke, but I quit. I have no regrets.

When I did first try to quit, I wanted a cigarette so badly that I bought a package of nicotine gum and started chewing it like mad (there's a special pattern in which you're supposed to chew it). I knew that it would make me feel like I was about to have a heart attack...but I didn't care...I remember wanting that nicotine fix reeeaaalllyyy badly!!

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12 Oct 2012, 10:47 pm

again_with_this wrote:
It's not a touchy subject for me, and I'll gladly be the first here to state that I proudly smoke tobacco.

It's interesting to note that many people get involved to be part of a social circle, like teenagers in high school.

For me, smoking has sometimes had the opposite advantage: it gives me an excuse to GET AWAY from people.

"Be right back, going for a smoke..." one of the perks is an excuse for alone time.

Plus, it's nice to light up a cigarette especially after a big meal or when I haven't had one it a really long time, they taste better than usual when I've been without for too long.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna step outside and have a cigarette.

This here is amazingly true. That said yall should accept us "escape smokers" we don't smoke near you, don't want people around when we smoke, don't throw butts on the ground, hell half the time i just let the cigarette burn and use it as just an excuse. It is a coping mechanism I have had to create being in high stress high intensity careers.

That said I want to quit. If anyone has a replacement strategy I am open to it.

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12 Oct 2012, 10:56 pm

I smoke cigars and pipes every once in a while. Although I can't stand cigarettes, they just smell repulsive.

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12 Oct 2012, 10:59 pm

I do not smoke, and I have never tried to smoke at any time in my life.

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