Karamazov wrote:
JohnInWales wrote:
When I get to the checkout, I try to put everything on the belt in the order I want to pack it, and mostly in groups of similar items, with the heavy and strong items first, followed by increasingly lighter ones. .
Although I do make exceptions for easily crushed and bruised fresh items and super fragile stuff like eggs and glass bottles always in the middle of the bag where their cushioned from knocks on the walk home: because why wouldn’t you?
Almost always use the customer operated tills now though.
Walking home isn't a practical option for me, as it's two miles along a narrow main road with no pavements. I've done it, once, but never again! So I just have to walk to the car park with loaded bags, although I could also use the bus. I've now got into a routine of driving to Aldi once a week, and I wheel the trolley out to my van, and load everything into a box, in a logical order, with the frozen stuff in a cool box.
I haven't used any of those customer operated tills yet. We still have human ones in rural Wales! I wouldn't use them if I had the choice though. Although I suppose it avoids those annoying people on the checkouts who put things through in the order they want, rather than my carefully thought out order
