Whenever I'm having a discussion with someone who I really really like (those are usually the only people I will talk to) it always seems that it's only me who's really talking, and that bothers me. I don't know why I feel comforatble opening up to certian people (even if I've only known them for a short period of time) but they don't feel comforatble sharing themselves with me.
This gets me very frustrated, and I usually confront the other person by asking something along the lines of "Why don't you even tell me anything about yourself" or "how come you never really say anything when you're talking?" This usually gets them really frustrated, because they either just are uncomforatble, or they really don't have anything to say. I love people who talk constantly, and who are very open about everything. I like to know how my friends are feeling about everything in their lives, and it bothers me when I don't know.
I lose a lot of friendships because of this, but even though I may be being too nosey, I still just really want to know about them. I'm very interested in other people.
Does anyone else experience this?
instincts are misleading/you shouldn't think what you're feeling