well it's really a lot of them, a lot of the little things such as anxiety and pacing and even very specific things like "does the noise of motorcycles scare you" that made me wonder how did they know that? And how I try to understand people but I always misunderstand their emotions, I even mistake crying for laughing sometimes which has resulted in quite a few awkward situations, I can't describe things out loud, I can on paper, but saying them is hard and I can't answer questions well, stare at people but avoid eye contact because I'm such an awkward turtle and I hurt peoples feelings without even knowing, about how I'm honest and straightforward and I don't understand why people lie, even about small things and why people aren't genuine and I get so many thoughts in my head I live there but coming out is hard and scary and when I try to be friendly it just sounds so stupid because I don't know social things like what to say
I could go on and on....