InThisTogether wrote:
Oftentimes I think it is because parents love their children. We don't want to see anything bad happening to our kids. Sometimes it may make us overly cautious. Other times, we see things that our kids do not because we have more life experience and we can prevent unnecessary heartache.
To better guess why you are in your situation, one would need to know a lot more about your family, your parents, and you.
This is exactly why my parents did it to me. I graduated when I was 16 and I was ready to move to another province and go to school, but my parents wouldn't let me, so i ended up going to the local university for two years. Two years later I decided to move to another university about two hours away from my house, and my parents were very hesitant because I was moving to the same city as my boyfriend, but I didn't really know anyone else there. I moved in June but school didn't start until September. We broke up in July and it ended up that my best friend from home (who had nothing really going on in his life at the time) moved into my one bedroom apartment with me, taking the dining room up as a bedroom because everyone was so worried about me living on my own. School started and I made friends, but I still felt really lonely and as if I didn't have a rock to hold me down. It was then that I realized that my parents really were just concerned for me being out in the real world, and I wasn't really ready to be out in the world on my own (without family support). I moved back in January and stayed with my parents for the next year until I found a place closeish to their house with a really good friend of mine (who also had a tendency to mother me, though it drove me crazy sometimes). Its nice feeling responsible now, but I do admit that I really do need my parents in my life because they are my biggest advocates and the people that understand me. If I'm having a problem with my landlord that she won't understand or anything they are the ones who fix things for me. I hate admitting that I'm 21 and I still need my parents to fix things for me, but its nice to have them there for situations where I get anxious. I like my freedom, but I do need my rocks there for when I'm freaking out.