I have a severe hatred of loud sudden noises (through fear and anxiety). I hate sudden noises like dogs barking, sirens suddenly setting off, smoke alarms, school bells, and all other sudden noises like that you can think of. I am very jumpy and just get so upset and bothered by them - even if I know they are coming.
But fireworks, I am not afraid of them at all. They don't make me jump at all. Well, sometimes if I'm not looking and one suddenly bangs in the air I might jump, but it still doesn't bother me like other loud sudden noises do. Next month is November, which is firework night (on the 5th), and I am looking forward to going down to the park with my family to watch the fireworks, and they usually have some pretty loud ones!
How come my nerves don't react harshly to loud fireworks? And it's not because I know they're coming, because sometimes when I DO know a loud noise is coming it actually makes me jump even worse, so it's not that. If I know a dog is going to bark, I still jump intensely when it barks.
Does anyone else mysteriously get bothered by a lot of different loud sudden noises but not at all by fireworks? Is there some sort of scientific explanation as to why?