InThisTogether wrote:
To be honest, I have never heard anyone say they were offended by it or felt uncomfortable with it.
I do agree, though, that many use it in a pejorative way. And I don't like it when people say things like "neurotypicals always...." No one group of people always anything. Not unless you are talking about physical characteristics, and even then it is rare that an entire group of people always share one physical characteristic without exception. No one likes to be lumped into a big giant mass of indistinguishable nothingness. We are all unique, regardless of our neurological makeup.
I guess it is the same as almost any label. When it is used appropriately, it is not problematic, but when it is used to denigrate or segregate someone, it is.
Yes but are we the ones that have faced denigration and segregation all our lives because we could not fit in as we were not typical?
Males talking about sport and cars all the time.
Saying these people lack some individuality and free thinking seems to me a fair label.
People may not like the term or find it offensive but it fits.