20yo is still a good time to work out what you want to do with your life
In fact, it's a great time!
And you already know a couple of your interests which is a huge start...
So you want to work our your purpose in life?
If you can work that out, you'll be ahead of many people in the World, including NTs. The fact that you want to do so is a huge start!
You could try this exercise to try to identify your passions in life:
1. Divide a piece of paper into four quadrants with pen or pencil. Label the four areas Delighted, Ecstatic, Sad, and Angry.
2. Consider each quadrant on the page. Ask yourself the following questions and make note of specific situations and experiences where your emotions were so heightened that you can still recall them.
- Delighted: When were you delighted, experiencing a gentle sense of joy and feeling blessed with life? Consider times when you noticed kindness and gratitude that stopped you in your tracks.
- Angry: When have you been angry or disgusted? COnsider times when you were ready to fight for your rights or a cause dear to your heart.
- Sad: When have you been sad, disappointed and low? What moves you to gloom and that sense of wanting to give up and hide under the duvet away from the World?
- Ecstatic: When have you been ecstatic, experiencing the peak of exuberance and well-being? Wshat really brings you alive and make you jump up and down with excitement and sing from the rooftops?
3. Review everything you wrote on your page. Which experiencces and episodes do you consider the best of times? The worst of times? Which moments really stand out as really firing up your passions
4. Look for themes in your experiences. For example, notice what you do when you stand up for what you care about, which in turn makes a difference for others. What happens when you get emotional? What impact does it have on your behaviour and that of those around you?
5. Consider a sense of who you are during your most passionate and satisfying moments. If you were to identify yourself with a role or animal, what would it be? Are you naturally a hunter/tiger, a nest builder/squirrel?