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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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20 Oct 2012, 4:55 pm

What are smells that you absolutely LOVE and are obsessed with?

I love really fresh really good quality clay, I don't smell it for a long time like someone would to get high, but every time I buy a package before I sculpt, I sniff it and say aaaahh THAT'S clay!
I love mildew or muggy smell, not moldy or sweaty...but a humid jungle
I love lilacs and roses
I love hazelnut smell
I also love the smell of shark paper and pine

And what are smells that just make you want to gag or puke?

I hate daises
I hate really flowery women's perfume
Mushrooms eeewwww

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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20 Oct 2012, 5:04 pm

Hmm, this is something that most people think I'm crazy about, but I love the smell of cigarette smoke. And maybe even smoke in general. Except for some people, the smell is too strong and I dislike it. But I got a SNES online from someone, it came and had that nice cigarette smoke smell to it. I would just smell it lol
I also love the smell of people... Like, not all people. But some of my friends, they have really distinctive smells. My one friend thinks it's hilarious that I will not wash my shirt for a week after being around him. I'll store it in my closet and smell it every now and then. lol I'm weird...
Also, some kind of rocky/earthy smell. I have no clue what it is, but I once had an Indian arrowhead that had this smell. So good.
Well, there's more but those were the first I thought of. Lots of foods smell good too.

As for bad smells, I really hate the smell of eggs. Ugh...

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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20 Oct 2012, 5:13 pm

i love the scents of rosemary, honeysuckle, cedar wood, the scent in the air just before a rain in the desert (if it's not preceded by a sandstorm), sweetgrass, curries cooking, apples, melons, cucumbers, cardamom, .......... and on, and on, and on.....

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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20 Oct 2012, 5:33 pm

I love:
Mujis Olive & Jasmine Candle
The smell of my previous cat, Miyavi, who smelled differently than any other cat I'd met before or since, but unfortunately decided that the food was better somewhere else.
A package of coffee that has just been opened (it changes quite quickly so I'm not sure if it's the coffee I like or whatever protective atmosphere it has been packaged in)
The sea - mainly salt water with a hint of fish and a slight undertone of crude oil
Terpentine and tar - but only if it is not very strong
Moss, especially when wet
Newspaper Paper

I really dislike:
Any kind of cheese or hot milk
The smell of pigsties and chicken coops
The women's perfume called "Angel"
The smell in a badly ventilated room with many people in it - e.g. a lecture room.
Metal zippers, especially when wet - one of my coats has one and when I wear it I can't get the smell out of my nose when it's very humid, like blood but worse.


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20 Oct 2012, 8:21 pm

I love:
"nature" smells (grass, trees, rain, earth...)
some women's perfumes
some books

I hate:
food smells when I'm not hungry
cigarette smoke
sweat, unwashed people 8O


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21 Oct 2012, 9:55 am

The smells i like are

Deodorant including Anti Perspirant


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21 Oct 2012, 10:12 am

Tbh I can't really smell much, but out of the stuff I can smell:

I love the smells of
Anything that smells really sugary and sweet like candy
Fast food
Cheap plastic (lots of good memories there)
Sometimes the glue that books are put together with

And I really hate
Most perfumes (both male and female)
Cheap metals
Cats (dogs smell a lot better)


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21 Oct 2012, 10:22 am


Fresh bakrty


Salad Dressing


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21 Oct 2012, 11:00 am


Firelighters (was taken to hospital as a kid for eating one)
Shoe polish (but leads to a dirty nose!)
Olbas Oil (sniff it all the time as it makes me feel calm and helps me concentrate)


Very unwashed bodies (they smell like sick!)
Meat and fish (diffferent from each other but both gross to a lifelong veggie)
Old cigarette Smoke (unlike the other poster who loves it I go nuts when ebay items arrive stinking of old smoke and have to spend hours soaking/airing them)
Alcohol on people's breath
Bluebells (look so lovely, smell so vile :()

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Oct 2012, 4:45 am

Favorite smells: Lavender, cedar, skunk, gasoline, wood burning, curry powder, charcoal grills (especially when spices hit the coals), fall air, spring air, rainy days, t.v. screens, makeup (mostly eyeshadow), roses... lots more.

Hated smells: Dirty people, processed cheese, artificial fruit smells, fruity scented candles (usually anything sweet is offputting), almost all soap scents, Tums, dog food.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Oct 2012, 5:11 am

Different aromas are one of my favorite things ever...When ever I am outdoors I always have to stop to smell new plants/flowers I haven't seen or smelled before. Same thing when ever I am in a store that has incense or candles, I'll smell every single one :lol: , making sure to forcefully breathe through my nose a few times in between to "clear out" the previous scent.

Some favorites of mine (In no particular order)....

Rain on asphalt
Fresh cut grass
A wet forest
Orange blossoms
Certain strains of Cannabis
Palo Santo wood burning
Nag Champa
The exhaust from a 2-stroke engine using castor oil
Frankincense and Myrrh
Horse poop
Fireworks/guns, that sulfur like smell
The natural body odor of some people, mostly girls but some guys as well (people that have a healthy diet and shower regularly)

.....I can go on and on, there are so many aromas I like. When I come across something with an aroma I like, I'll literally smell it over and over again, like I can't get enough of it.

When it comes to aromas I dislike, just the typical things that most people dislike.....vomit, cat sh*t/piss, people with bad hygiene, burning hair, whiskey/tequila, cigarettes.