Heidi80 wrote:
LifeOfALez wrote:
Hair pulling is a form of self harm.
I'm not too sure about that. I self harm too, and I do it for compleately different reasons than I pull my hair
I am a human service major who has focused many if not most of my papers, projects, reports on self harm, anxiety, depression, addiction, those kind of things and actually did a 10 page paper on how hair pulling is in fact a form of self harm. If you want to believe it or not its your choice but here is a bit of the research i was able to get together that gave you a lot of the information on it in a short little post.
Hair pulling is actually a form of self harm and it has its own name which is Trichotillomania. by definition Trichotillomania is is the compulsive urge to pull out (and in some cases, eat) one's own hair leading to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment. It is classified as an impulse control disorder by DSM-IV and is often chronic and difficult to treat. as according to many definitions.
Hair pulling: Just another form of self harm? or a disorder in itself?
states that
"In 1986, Favazza (author of Bodies Under Siege: Self-mutilation and Body Modification in Culture and Psychiatry) distinguised self harm into three catorgaries; Major self harm (eg castration, which is rare and seen in psychotic patients mainly), Sterotypical Self Harm (eg head banging seen in autistic children) and Superficial or moderate self harm. This last category includes cutting, burning, skin picking, bone breaking, hitting, small overdoses and pulling your own hair out.
Then in 10 years later in 1996, Favazza breaks down the superficial/moderate self harm into compulsive, eposodic and impulsive self harm. Trichotillomania comes under compulsive. Favazza also states that this type of self harm has different roots (no pun intended there!) to impulisive self injury.
Impulsive self harm is when someone engages in harming themselves, for example cutting, and has difficulty controlling the impulse to cut. They identify themselves as a self harmer whereas eposodic self harmers will self harm now and then and not feel so ‘addicted’."
love me or hate me, im still gonna shine so unless uve lived my life, dont judge me cause u dont know, never have & never will know every little thing about me..