Kaelynn wrote:
My obession is service dog training. I am 15 years old and I have always been training some dog, somwhere to do somthing. I am known as "the girl with the dog" and I guess I always will be. I don't always want to be a smelly dog girl, forever smelling like a dog. I am a socially akward aspie and I will most likely never have a boyfrind or a husband. I don't go anywhere other then chruch and school. I am one for 4 people in my class at school and I don't like the dudes at chruch. They all want the perfect family, complete with a soccer mom.
If all I do my whole life is train dogs for people what good am I to the human race? Yet dog training is seemingly the only thing I care about. I don't want to live alone forever. And its not like I have friends either. I will just have dogs. I won't matter to anyone other then my family and they will probably all die.

I wish I could change my obession to something important. Anyone else ever feel this way?
Even if training dogs is what you end up doing your whole life its not a bad thing. You have no idea how valuable service dogs and rescue dogs are. Not many people can say their job directly helps to save lives and improve the quality of life of others.
As for being alone... you're only 15. You have a lot.. a LOT of time to find someone. Dogs are one of the best means of meeting people too. See how nicely things may be working out for you so early in life?
I volunteer at pet smart every other weekend to help get animals adopted and I've met a lot of great people. Many of them are shocked to hear an archaeologist is tending the puppies and mutts they're looking over.
Now if I could only find me a trained dog that could sniff out 3000 year old stuff so I don't have to spend my entire summer digging for nothing...