2wheels4ever wrote:
I thought that was supposed to be a snowflake. BTW the 'Autism Army' thread discussed logo possibilities. I have a bit of an interest in 'international' symbols, though something really awesome would be Teslatian or sort of alchemaic in appearance
Hmm... Tesla never really had any self-symbolism, but the Alchemic symbols seem pretty interesting, although a bit complex. I read the Autism Army thread and only saw the cog flag, which I think has negative associations with it "being a "cog in the wheel" or a 'tool."
Obviously, I've got my bias to my own thing, but I think simplicity and naturalism, hence the mix of the asterisk and snowflake as one. To show the focus of our interests, and the individuality we all have.
And, a thing I didn't point out: The idea is for it is to cusp that edge of being common and unique. That way, WE all know what it is, but it really can't be appropriated, since it's already in the open. It's a way of being both proud (if we truly own it) and "hiding in plain sight". People who don't know, won't know THAT type of asterisk is an Autism/Asperger's Asterisk, but people who do, will.
Let me give you an example of something that exists now. You may not know it, but an anchor tattoo is a gay symbol. Honestly, I never even knew it until I came across a girl I thought was gorgeous, but never had a boyfriend. And, that tattoo was always in everyone's face. What was the deal? Well, after finding out she had a girlfriend, and reading up about it, it became clear that was the point she was making: Hiding in plain sight (as plenty of people have traditional tattoos of Anchors, as well as actual sailors doing it), and if you know, you know. If you don't, then you're not going to get it.
So, it would be all of the below:
1) specific - an asterisk - otherwise it won't mean anything to enough people to work
2) distinct - a curved edge asterisk, which really isn't used as a symbol anywhere - otherwise it won't be recognised
and I would add:
3) subtle - because it's just an asterisk, it wouldn't immediately mean anything to anyone - otherwise people will ask about it out of the blue.