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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Dec 2006, 4:20 am

is it just me...... ??

the sounds of people eating drives me crazy, actually, beyond crazy. I'v been like this ever since I can remember. Even people I love.. .like my husband, who I adore...when I hear some one eating a crackr or an apple I have this un controlable rush of intense irratation and surge of anger toward them, and have to distract my self or leave the room.

My husband has really good table his eating other foods is not an issue. However, other peopels noisy chewing and lip smacking also provokes this same reaction in does chewing gum.

god i feel like a freak somtimes



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16 Dec 2006, 5:37 am

Maybe you can have him cut the apple up, so eating it is less annoying. Apparantly, this IS a pretty common autistic trait(Over sensitivity to sound and easily distracted by it). BTW I DO remember having the same problem. It isn't nearly as bad as it was now.

I guess I have just been around so many bad people, etc... Or maybe it is because I used to make itclear how I felt, and society really didn't allow that when I was younger.

My life has changed SO much, that it is surreal. I have asked my mother if she could recall certain things, give me times, etc... She is now trying to put down everything she can recall.

I guess it is just because I never viewed them as something that might be obscured and yet meaningful to determining how I got here etc...



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16 Dec 2006, 5:40 am

Yep, I hate that too. It actualy hurts to hear people eat, even my son who I love to dead...
Another horrible sound, which is used in advertisements a lot btw, so I guess there are humans who conect it with pleasure... is the sound of beer being pored into a glas... eeach hate it!! !


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16 Dec 2006, 6:01 am

WOW, even BEER upsets you? I guess I am lucky then. I don't think that bugs me. The apples, feedback(Even just a little), certain frequencies, and loud noises bug me.

They SERIOUSLY should NOT allow a person with a thick accent, or a person that doesn't know how to use a mike use it. Too many YELL, have the volume turned up, are too close to the speakers, have a BAD voice and/or accent, *****AND***** have their mouth like an inch away from the mike.


Pileated woodpecker
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16 Dec 2006, 6:26 am

Eating noises = me in a violent rage.


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16 Dec 2006, 6:34 am

Never bothered me. In fact, I'm usually the worst of the lot, what with making slurping, chowing and chewing sounds as I go. If I had a meal with you lot where we all had spaghetti you'd all want to rip my frigging head off and place it on a lamp post. It's that bad.

What does annoy me is people shouting their heads off when they're talking on the phone. I mean, I know their conversation must be very interesting for them but that doesn't mean they have the right for them to share it with everyone else. So, in future, please tone it down a bit, OK? :)


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16 Dec 2006, 7:45 am

There are a couple of people at work who are noisy eaters. I have to walk away while they eat.

I hate bad table manners generally. I never criticise (that would be bad mannered :lol: ) but I do nag my kids sometimes :roll:

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Dec 2006, 7:52 am

'eating noises = me in a violent rage'

that made me laugh, you summed up my post in seven words and an =! . I wondered if this was one of my aspie things...

must remember to never go to dinna with u tequeila, you would surely lose yr head! makes me shudder thinking of people sucking up worms of spaggetti...eeewww

I'm a studio sound engineer - feedback, or the tiniest hint of resonance or 'ring' drives me totally friggin' nuts...along with incorrect phase..

As you might of guessed im sensitive to sound.