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09 Jan 2007, 10:27 am

Some articles in today's Globe that might be of interest to people here.

Understanding Asperger's
Paths to self discovery differ...
What is AS?


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09 Jan 2007, 10:34 am

I'm also stupid and smart at the same time. I have a 113 IQ, but I can post about the wrong thing, at the wrong time, if I'm not careful.


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09 Jan 2007, 11:12 am

They were very interesting, thanks.

It's interesting about the difficulties with communication (verbal) I never thought about it, but I see now it fits. I can suggest something at a meeting and A says: no that is a stupid idea, then B says exactly the same as I did, just in other words, and A goes: what a good idea, let's do that.


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09 Jan 2007, 6:38 pm



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09 Jan 2007, 6:52 pm

Great story and links; thanks!

I remember being so frustrated with myself when I was 12 or 13, thinking to myself nearly exactly 'I'm smart... but stupid'. Now I get it.

Corcovado wrote:
It's interesting about the difficulties with communication (verbal) I never thought about it, but I see now it fits. I can suggest something at a meeting and A says: no that is a stupid idea, then B says exactly the same as I did, just in other words, and A goes: what a good idea, let's do that.

OMG yes. Went through that recently at the Thai restaurant downstairs from work. A colleague gets takeaway lunch from there; I went down and asked this way: 'Have you got a to-go menu?' The Thai gentleman said no. What?! Figuring the problem was AS-related, another day I tried again, just asking for an ordinary menu, and Bob's your uncle.

AS: one banana peel after another to slip on. I hate it.


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09 Jan 2007, 9:11 pm

Interesting articles.

When he finally learned he had Asperger's, the symptoms fit -- the difficulties organizing his homework, making friends, tolerating situations as mundane as a brightly lit or noisy place. "Being in a room where there are lots of conversations makes me feel bad," he says. "I try to listen to every conversation."


trouble distinguishing what’s important from what’s not

Or possibly, having a different idea from most people about what normal is?

I do have this problem sometimes, mainly when writing essays. I've always expressed it as "difficulty distinguishing between relevant and interesting."

Where Kaim’s classmates interpret Rogers leaning forward as engagement, Kaim sees him invading Gloria’s space. Where her classmates like his open-ended approach, Kaim flinches.

So would I. Whenever I see people touch each other on Tv and in the movies, or see someone get hugged unexpectedly in real life, I cringe.

‘‘If I’m having one of those really good moments — when I’m out by myself walking is usually when it is — I see lots of trees and the world looks so beautiful, and I’m thinking about everything, nothing, letting the world flow, writing essays in my mind,’’ Kaim says. ‘‘It will suddenly dawn on me that I know a lot of people who aren’t comfortable being by themselves and this is a great privilege. I think, ‘Isn’t this a wonderful thing about having Asperger’s.’ Later I have to self-correct, because it’s not that wonderful, because you really can’t get rid of the depression and anxiety. In theory I’m proud to be unique in this particular way, but in practice it just creates a lot of unhappiness, so I have very conflicted feelings.’’

Well said. However, I think that giving up the good side of the syndrome would be far too high of a price to pay just to get rid of my instability.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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09 Jan 2007, 9:28 pm

Corcovado wrote:
It's interesting about the difficulties with communication (verbal) I never thought about it, but I see now it fits. I can suggest something at a meeting and A says: no that is a stupid idea, then B says exactly the same as I did, just in other words, and A goes: what a good idea, let's do that.

I have that happen a lot - except people don't generally tell me my ideas are stupid, they just ignore them. Then later, someone else will say the same thing that I did, and will get praised for it.


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09 Jan 2007, 9:35 pm

Yeah smart and stupid at the same time....I've been called that on a multitude of occasions.


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09 Jan 2007, 10:52 pm

I know how that feels. At work, I can get at least 90 percent of the items on my list at the library but, at other times, I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my shoulders. It's frustrating.