AnotherKind wrote:
If you're very tired, I guess it is normal. Yes, it happened to me also.
I don't understand the part with "I do not think in pictures"... do you have dreams at night?
Well yes, I don´t think it has anything to do with it.
I do not think in pictures. This is probably not important in this context? It is apparently also not normal around Autistic people (or other people). I have nothing but blackness in my head
Quote from a former post
Interesting Even if I was asked to think about a cat, there is no real picture. More like the ideal picture of a cat. I think of the Allegory of the Cave by Plato. it is not a real picture more a shadow of the ideal shape of cat, except it is mainly thoughts. Then if asked about different races of cats, I have them all lined up in some sort of filing system to take out and KNOW what they are like, not real pictures. Difficult to explain. Maybe it is best described as living in eternal twilight? But that dosn´t sound nice, it is not really that bad living in the land of thoughts
from this thread
Someone here on WP described it as a 4-kernet processor (might fit?)
I have dreams at night. They can be extreeeeemely scary (nasty nightmares where I have to get up and turn the lights on and stay awake for a while). I think that the reason that my dreams are so livid is that I dream in pictures but during normal daily thought activity I have no pictures in my head!
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