Nut champions radical cosmetic surgery Autism treatment

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Dec 2006, 5:29 pm

You guys won't believe this. There's a nut who wrote a story on a disabled people's website/forum called "Ouch!" that's making out facial surgery is the answer to Autistic people's problems, the "miracle cure". It boggles the mind to think what this guy might do with this "story". What if he tries lobbying parliament? Or Autistic organisations? I -- for one -- am completely offended by his implication that us Auties need surgery. I am not the most handsome guy around and I don't give a damn. Only superficial people judge others by how they look. Message to the idiot who wrote this stupid story: People with Down's Syndrome have feelings too, you know. What Autistic people need is social skills training, if they need any help at all. What they look like, just like what people with Down's syndrome look like, is absolutely irrelevant.

Here's the "Ouch!" website's main page if you want to join and tell him what you think.

Here's the story he posted on "Ouch!"


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15 Dec 2006, 5:44 pm

What is this nonsense? First of all not everyone on the spectrum is unattractive so this makes no sense. It sounds like some trollish rant - except that parents of kids with Down's have apparently done surgery to make them look more "normal" maybe for the same reasons this guy is advocating. Besides being extremely inconsiderate and rude - the whole idea is just ridiculous.


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15 Dec 2006, 5:45 pm

No sane person will take him seriously.. but then again I thought the same thing about the entire curebie movement so who knows.

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15 Dec 2006, 6:18 pm

Well, I knew a person once that claimed she had the answer for PEACE in IRELAND! She wanted to start a THIRD religion and convert them all to it!

I TRIED to tell her religion had NOTHING to do with it. It is a CULTURE war: BRITS(who happen to be mostly anglican) and cultural IRISH (who happen to be mostly catholic)! She just never seemed to understand. BESIDES, if she WAS right, how would she encourage them all to switch to HER religion!?

But YEAH, I might not consider myself really handsome, but I'm certainly not ugly. Frankly, if I had a trillion dollars, and surgery was 100% reliable, I probably STILL wouldn't change my appearance. MAYBE more hair, but that is IT! 8-)

BTW I have seen a LOT of people that were UGLY and certainly not autistic, or AS.

What is with all these jerks anyway, that figure social problems is the ONLY difference?


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15 Dec 2006, 6:20 pm

I don't know whether I made a reasonable job of it, but I commented on his post.

Bit pissed, but if anyone happens to see it, IF the moderators happen to let it get posted, then I guess I hope it's ok.

PS - Fraya - Like the user guide in your signature. I had a moment like that today... :D


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15 Dec 2006, 6:55 pm

I hate how society makes it out that appearance so important that it has to tell you everything about a person. I didn't read much into the article because it's just ridiculous. The fact that he hates his parents because they're ugly is pretty sad.

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15 Dec 2006, 7:41 pm

I'm a handsome mofo already... plastic surgery won't fix what's "wrong" with me.
Matter of fact, beyond the most extreme cases, plastic surgery rarely "fixes" anything.


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15 Dec 2006, 7:59 pm

Old theory on human behavior. ... sical.html

Physical unattractiveness, deformity, and disfigurement have been associated with evil since antiquity


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15 Dec 2006, 8:06 pm

TheMachine1 wrote:
Old theory on human behavior. ... sical.html

Physical unattractiveness, deformity, and disfigurement have been associated with evil since antiquity

Yeah, well people used to think the world was flat and the sun revolved around it too. People with odd warts used to be "witches", and so on and so forth. Just because stupidity has the patina of credibility that comes with age doesn't detract from its stupidity.


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15 Dec 2006, 9:11 pm

i woulnd't be opposed to tattooing some eyeballs on my eye lids so i can just sleep while people talk at me

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15 Dec 2006, 9:59 pm

Is they a picture of this nut would love to see it lol...


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15 Dec 2006, 11:01 pm

I was a pretty kid, but now as just keep getting older and uglier I should think that has nothing to do with autism.
BTW I have no plans for cosmetic surgery and never will


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16 Dec 2006, 12:49 am

You know, it is interesting! I have seen some NICE looking kids grow to be UGLY, and UGLY ones grow to look nice! I guess I'm not that bad looking, but I think I looked better as a teenager. It does make one wonder sometimes though. The people that you wouldn't have dated earlier and wouldn't have minded failing with may now look beautiful.



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16 Dec 2006, 2:44 am

My God...

I have to bookmark that when I am on my home computer.

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16 Dec 2006, 3:12 am

If I am not mistaken, this article is more than a little sarcastic. The naming of "Dr. Protractor" clues you in (remember that a protractor is a tool with which to measure and create angles), and then you can work from there.

People with autism have no distinctive facial features. The only distinction I see between Auties and non-auties is that auties tend not to like using make-up as much, and do not follow trends when it comes to hairstyles and clothing, choosing comfort instead. Some, especially Aspies (including, in the past, me) have poor personal hygiene. So the perception of ugliness may exist despite the reality that our facial features represent the human norm pretty well.

Aspies may tend towards being either overweight (from a sedentary lifestyle) or very thin (from forgetting to eat or having extreme food preferences), neither of which is attractive. However, these have nothing to do with how regular one's facial features are.

(Sometimes autism occurs along with a congenital disease that does change appearance. This would be the exception to the rule.)

--I never use make-up
--I'm overdue for a shower, having had my last one the day before yesterday (and planning to take another tomorrow morning)
--I cut my own hair; right now my short hair is a grown-out shave from last summer
--I'm 60 pounds overweight
--I wear clothes for comfort, usually khakis and T-shirts, without bothering much to match them
--I never wear jewelry other than very small earrings and a blue bracelet (which has symbolic meaning to me)
--My shoes, which I hate wearing at all, are always sneakers or tennis shoes, for maximum comfort; or else, in summer, flat sandals with wide leather straps.

All those things, despite my average face and good complexion (not being especially prone to acne), probably take my appearance down quite a few notches in the NT mind. Because NTs are not likely to distinguish between what someone looks like and the accessories they use to enhance their looks, they may see a general "ugly" appearance where one does not actually exist.

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16 Dec 2006, 6:21 am

Well, I happen to be strikingly good-looking so let me say that the advantages it brings socially are simple surface things like creating a good first impression. After that point, everything is typical aspie struggle with figuring out how to act and maintain a relationship. And as it is overwhelmingly the case that aspies tend to desire a few deep friendships rather than many shallow friendships, then it can be said that being beautiful makes absolutely no difference when it comes to being socially successful.

And let me say this: something I dread when I am out in public is happening upon a group of high school girls. I even think to myself, "Oh, s**t!" when I realize our paths are going to cross because I know there's going to be an awkward scene, with them acting and saying things that I have no idea how to react to. I often wonder what "normal" guys who look like me do in such situations. So it's not like it really does much good in terms of "hooking up" or other short-term social interactions either.