starkid wrote:
I don't understand why all these conditions are considered to be examples of non-neurotypicality. Is there evidence that ADHD and personality disorders are caused by atypical neurology?
ADHD probably is; ADHD brains will look different on brain scans, and develop differently. Personality disorders... ehh. It's more like a person with a personality disorder is running different software on the same hardware, while somebody with autism has different hardware to begin with.
But it's not quite like a computer, because a brain's "hardware" is changeable, especially when you're very young, or over large amounts of time. When you learn a new skill, your brain changes in tiny but scientifically measurable ways. People who have long-term struggles with mental illnesses start to have measurably different brains. For some disorders, like schizophrenia, there's a physical and a chemical component. So you could very well say that personality disorders represent neurodiversity, too, because they are life-long behavior patterns which create distress or dysfunction, and if life-long behavior patterns don't change your brain at least somewhat, I don't know what would.
Thankfully for psychology students like me, who know how hard it is to classify mental differences in general, "neurodiverse" is more of a social label than a medical one. It just means "someone whose brain isn't in the average range". What you define as average is pretty arbitrary; mostly, "neurodiverse" as a concept starts to apply when your experience of the world is significantly different from most people's because of the structure of your brain. Maybe you have synestheia and numbers have colors for you. Maybe you're dyslexic; or maybe you learned to read when you were nine months old. Maybe you have manic episodes, persistent tics, or epileptic seizures. Is it different enough to make you neurodiverse? I think, if it's a different enough brain to matter to you, then it's different enough for you to call yourself neurodiverse.