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16 Dec 2006, 11:01 pm

When Ever I am reading something really intieresting or thinking about something I tend to get really excited and move around while thinking about it. ex: Pacing, Running, Running while pacing, Diving into beds and couchs and messing up the blankets and cuddling/squeezing pillows, burrowing into it ext., all done while listening to music at times.

If I'm thinking about talking to someone I would talk outloud my parts of the conversation while doing the ^above and act out, imagining, they where there. What I would be doing, ext...

I like to call it "Active Planing/Thinking/Imagining" :D

I just was now thinking what I might look like to an outside observer. Mentally ill perhaps...?

I did I good call to do this while no one is around then. :lol:

But I could do one part and Hide it. LIke I could go to the kitchen and pretend I want something to eat and open the cabanets and fridge. Then walk back to my room or couch and repeat when ever I feel the urdge to "active think". I do this when people are around and atleast it looks like I have a reason. And at times I take something out and bring it to my room/couch and nibble on it so I could have a reason to go to the kitchen and throw it away or put it away and take out something else and do the same thing. It gives the excuse of haveing to move to about with out it being so aimless.

Is that weird? :oops:
Is it perhaps a form of stimming?

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17 Dec 2006, 1:58 am

BUZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Whizbang! :D


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17 Dec 2006, 7:21 am

I like to think and walk at the same time. I can watch a program in tv and see something I feel a need to think about and have to get up and pace up and down the floor while debating it with myself.

I don't move around the way you do, I simply pace up and down the floor. I also have imaginary conversation with people. I move my lips but don't talk out loud. When I'm walking outside I also talk to myself, I try not to move my lips though.

For forty years I tried to convince myslef I was perfectly normal, and the only thing that really had me worried was this pacing up and down, talking to myself. That had me seriously worried that I was a mental patient. I have tried not to do it but I can't.

Fortunately I live alone, when I visit someone for a number of days, I walk in my room ever so quietly or go for a walk outside on my one.


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17 Dec 2006, 7:59 am

When I'm really thrilled about something or focusing hard on it, I jiggle my foot back and forth. The speed is directly proportional to how much I care about whatever we're doing. I also like to think and walk, and I talk to myself all the time.

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18 Dec 2006, 10:56 am

I do this sometimes. Whenever I do it, people look at me and then just say, 'that's just Fiona being Fiona'. They find it funny.

The only person in the world that can truly make you happy is yourself.


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18 Dec 2006, 4:15 pm

I have long conversations with myself. The other 'self' just listens and doesn't argue with me!

*it's been lovely but I have to scream now*


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18 Dec 2006, 6:13 pm

When I get excited about something, ppl have told me it's very obvious. I know that I tend to get very agitated.


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18 Dec 2006, 6:58 pm

When something happens, or is about to happen, on tv, usually something embarrassing or about a character i'm fond of, i spin. I get up and twirl round the room, usually hitting something, i have trouble sitting still for long periods of time, which doesn't help.

When something good happens on tv, like a bad person getting what they deserve, i will jump up and down and clap, cheering loudly. Others find this particularly annoying and i have to restrain myself, this usually manifests as repetitive comments, during La Reine Margot everytime the old Queen (can't remember her name) came on screen, i'd call her a witch, repeatedly, and go on about how she shouldn't get away with it, this annoyed my parents who kept on telling me to be quiet.


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18 Dec 2006, 7:02 pm

Im usually ok unless Im suddenly struck by a complex and brilliant idea.

Then I start talking very fast while I explain it in intricate detail and pacing a few steps back and forth very quickly while my hands mix together all kinds of weird gestures and stims.

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
"White Rabbit" - Jefferson Airplane