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16 Dec 2006, 10:56 pm

When you guys stim, do you get a 'feeling' before you do, if so im curious to see what you guy say it is.

For me before i have to stim, my whole body feels like an explosion, like the urge to laugh when you know you cant, except more powerful. Then I stim either by making my arms do the wave, finger/hand flapping, or my arms scrunch up in my chest and i gurgle when it's really bad. Sometimes the feeling is so powerful it contorts my arms without my control and i bounce on my tip toes and moaning like sound.

so yeah...what'sit feel like in your body before you stim and what do you do?

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16 Dec 2006, 11:02 pm

I feel a little anxious/restless. Then I start stimming!


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16 Dec 2006, 11:51 pm

My whole body gets filled with tension, particularly in my hands. This is why almost all of my stimming is in my hands. I have to wring them or stroke something over-and-over to release the tension. I usually rock afterwards to slow me down. I also rock when I'm tired.

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16 Dec 2006, 11:59 pm

I feel a little uneasy, than I stroke a Routemaster, or two.


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17 Dec 2006, 12:03 am

I never really thought about it. I think it happens when I am anxious, bored, or really into a project. Luckily, that isn't all THAT often, and when I am really into a project it is usually like a gentle rocking.

BTW I looked at the "about me" section on your site. The symptoms you list ARE common for aspergers. And Aspergers IS high functioning. The autistic label mentally doesn't really mean that much.(It certainly doesn't mean that you are ret*d, or even disabled overall.) Even the social stuff because you are female and into sports, etc... may not be all that obvious. Given your circumstances, you wouldn't have to make much of an attempt to be where you are. No offense if that comes out wrong, but it is true.

So why do you feel SO bad about having a label you don't even have to display? Oddly, you ARE displaying it. How do you feel it is hurting you?

BTW at least you have a list of things to watch out for. I wish *I* had that when I was 9(yeah, I know you are older now.)



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17 Dec 2006, 12:13 am

I get excited by my obsessions. I have this thing where I flap a paper pennant with tape on it around as well.

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17 Dec 2006, 2:55 am

Usually it starts when I'm having a great thought about something pleasant or I'm happy with something Ive been working on. Once I have a feeling of excitement or deep thought about pleasant things, the feeling manifests itself into stimming - which for me, is my hands going into tight fists and contorting, or twisting my fingers tightly, pulling on my thumbs. I won't really know I'm doing it, or its an outlet to all the pent up feelings inside while I'm focused/daydreaming on a thought or feeling that's generally a positive, happy thing. Generally when I'm EXCITED!

However to others, it looks like a negative stress thing...


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17 Dec 2006, 3:09 am

when i fidget to stim... i get a preceeding build up of energy... excitement or impatience...

but what starts me rockin and wriggling my toes are random thoughts... usually something with a positive conotation... though i can do these stims in reaction to remembering a task that i still need to do.

edit: lol... didn't read the post directly above me.... ^^exactly!^^

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17 Dec 2006, 3:41 am

SoccerFreak wrote:
For me before i have to stim, my whole body feels like an explosion, like the urge to laugh when you know you cant, except more powerful. Then I stim either by making my arms do the wave, finger/hand flapping, or my arms scrunch up in my chest and i gurgle when it's really bad. Sometimes the feeling is so powerful it contorts my arms without my control and i bounce on my tip toes and moaning like sound.

That sounds a lot more like Tourette's than anything else. And it sounds a lot like Tourette's.

Does this FAQ on the subject sound at all familiar? (Read it all the way through even if you think it won't, seriously.)

"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams


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17 Dec 2006, 7:44 pm

SteveK wrote:
I never really thought about it. I think it happens when I am anxious, bored, or really into a project. Luckily, that isn't all THAT often, and when I am really into a project it is usually like a gentle rocking.

BTW I looked at the "about me" section on your site. The symptoms you list ARE common for aspergers. And Aspergers IS high functioning. The autistic label mentally doesn't really mean that much.(It certainly doesn't mean that you are ret*d, or even disabled overall.) Even the social stuff because you are female and into sports, etc... may not be all that obvious. Given your circumstances, you wouldn't have to make much of an attempt to be where you are. No offense if that comes out wrong, but it is true.

So why do you feel SO bad about having a label you don't even have to display? Oddly, you ARE displaying it. How do you feel it is hurting you?

BTW at least you have a list of things to watch out for. I wish *I* had that when I was 9(yeah, I know you are older now.)


I dont have AS because if you take a look at the DSM criteria for AS, I fit about maybe one or two of the things. I have nearly perfect social skills (as that of an NT) and even when my hyperactivity and impulsive control contridicts that, I know immediatly what i have done wrong and I seek to fix it. Im also very very receptive to body language (even more so than an NT),

Stimming and sensory sensitivity are also found in people with some forms of ADD and CAPD. And all of my life problems were caused by ADD, dyscalculiac, and CAPD symptms. And I reread my "about me page"(which need updating oviously) and I dont see how any of that shows AS symptoms besides the sensory sensitivity part, but like I said thats found in other disorders, and besides the fact that im typing on this forum I dont see how im displaying that I have AS, (this site is also for people with ADD.)

And it's not tourettes because other people opn this thred said they have basically the same feeling and same movements and no one on this thread and said it sound alot like tourettes, and I actually read that thing. And i only get that feeling when im sensory overloaded, not just randomly like TS suggests. Also, we have an AI program at our school so I see many kids with autism, and I do basically the same stims as this LFA kid I know, I also knew a TS girl and I wasnt anything like her. So yeah...

And beign excellently coordinated is not a common AS symptom either, just adding.

I could go on and on if you want me too...

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17 Dec 2006, 7:48 pm

i get all twitchy and start to hum.or rock.or spin.

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17 Dec 2006, 9:20 pm

I dissociate a little before I start stemming.


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17 Dec 2006, 9:34 pm


I didn't mean anything as an insult, just so you know. As you said, I was "just saying".



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17 Dec 2006, 10:42 pm


I didnt mean to hurt your feelings or offend you either, i was just trying to make my point

and i updated my site, specifically the "about me" page lol

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18 Dec 2006, 5:41 am

I stim almost all the time as I clamp my jaws and as I am standing I typically hold my hands behind my back and grab the wrist of my left hand with my right and flap my left hand behind my like a dog's tail wagging. I also rock back and forth on the soles of my feet constantly as I am standing.
I simply cannot help it.


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18 Dec 2006, 6:57 am

I feel a bit nervous and then start doing something like chewing or sucking on my knuckles or playing with my fingers or rubbing my hair against my mouth and nose. It's usually to try and calm myself down. I only handflap when I am feeling really agitated.

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