Simple emotions I can express to others. Anger, sadness, fear, happiness.
My problems are in expressing levels of emotion, and expressing complex emotions.
Example, if you measure my anger from 0 to 10, I'm fully aware of progressing from 0 to 2. Then I think I'm at 2, even though my anger is creeping up to 5 or 6. My body will express that anger. I'll tighten up, movement becomes brisk and sharp, but I don't "feel" angrier than a 2. Until I hit 7ish. Then my mind becomes aware of the increased anger and feels it. So my perception is that I jumped straight from 2 to 7. Physiologically, I showed the whole progression. If my partner is around, she can see the signs and alert me to rising anger so that I can stop doing or interacting with whatever is upsetting me.
I can't identify complex emotions. I can tell I'm feeling something, but I'm not sure what. About the best I can manage is to tell whether it's mostly a good feeling or a bad one.
Your Aspie score: 186 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 17 of 200
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