Silicone spray - it's the closing clap sound that bothers him, not the creaking. Very few of our doors make that creaking noise
Felt sticker removal - it's the loudness of the noise that bothers him. Removing the stickers would just make it louder. Again, he seems to have no problem closing the lid on the toilet, and that's much louder.
Shutting the doors/drawers myself - there lies the problem. I can't cater do all his issues, because there are things that bother me too, and he doesn't seem to want to accommodate for them. He can't stand lotion, so I have to lotion our baby, even put on baby oil, which never seems to want to come off my own skin, which is the reason he's so opposed to it. It creeps me out too, but I guess not as much as it does for him. He's always hot, so I always have to wear a jacket, even when it's 115 degrees out. I even leave light switches in his specific desired position. He should do something. The problem with my drawer/door issue is that it conflicts with his sound issue, so I don't really know how he can accommodate for me in this situation, without it attacking him.
I feel that if he would just get used to it, it won't bother him so much. I used to need to have all the doors in the house closed, but learned to live with having several open simply because I grew tired of opening them for the cats. But it's this very reason why he needs to keep them closed. The cats will get into out pots and pans and everything. It's actually why he's able to close the toilet seat. We don't want the cats drinking out of it.
Is there like a hinge I could install that autocloses for him? So that when he leaves it open, it slowly closes back? Not sure how that will help the drawer issue though.