Is being excited an Aspie/Autism thing?

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19 Nov 2012, 3:15 pm

I was super psyched like "jump up and down 5 year old excited" to do early Black Friday shopping (Say what you will socially of the crowds but I am SUPER HAPPY! I was able to do all my Best Buy Black Friday Online TODAY YA!! !! ! I was SUPER SUPER EXCITED! Dad sadly said he was sick hearing about Black Friday and he'd leave and come back Saturday (jokingly of course) Also my sister Erica whom I sent long texts too. I ordered this this etc. etc. replied "I don't mean to be rude but u have to stop texting me a thousand words. It really doesn't matter to me what season of what u get. U can handle whatever it is. I'm glad u got everything but just relax about it. It's just too much."

I replied: ok.

I'm upset emotionally now since I'm confused. Other "normal" people don't get excited for shopping deals like I do or were dying to have an Iphone 5 jumping up and down for that. :-( That's not considered "normal" :-( Am I wrong? Do others on or off the spectrum act SUPER EXCITED AND HAPPY when they find a deal or get a new item they have had there eye on. I feel part of me it's not "Grown up" or "normal" to be excited like a 5 yr. old but I don't know what to do about it. besides mope around don't talk and be depressed because OBVIOUSLY BEING EXCITED AND HAPPY IS "BAD/WRONG/NOT NORMAL!" Being DONE I'll go Thur/Fri. moppy and quite since that's NORMAL! and excitement IS BAD RIGHT!???



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19 Nov 2012, 3:34 pm

I can get so excited I shoot off like a rocket and bowl people over - I am middle aged. Well, I figure I get to enjoy being a kid forever. People get annoyed with me, but, on this one - oh, well.


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19 Nov 2012, 3:43 pm

Logicalmom wrote:
I can get so excited I shoot off like a rocket and bowl people over - I am middle aged. Well, I figure I get to enjoy being a kid forever. People get annoyed with me, but, on this one - oh, well.

Thanks. But I sort of care. It's nice you are nearing 50 and still have the excitement of a 5 yr. old but how do you keep it in check? Do you show that excitement at your job. Disney World an item you buy? I feel it wouldn't be "appropriate" at a job but IMO if you are SUPER excited to work AT X place then it's fine but I'm not sure that's considered "normal" a 5 yr. old excitement at a job or out shopping. Being happy for your 5 year old CHILD at Disney or them getting a toy on Christmas for most people = a smile seeing that child's excitement WHY adults don't exhibit this excitement themselves baffles me. Do they not have it? See it as inappropriate to show? And in turn keep it bottled up inside?

I hope I NEVER lose my excitement for things. :-(


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19 Nov 2012, 3:46 pm

Ha, I do completely understand but I try to internalize it as much as possible (often, unsuccessfully). I mean, I'm 24 but I think I was three times more excited when my brother got some cool Lego sets last Christmas than he was (he's 11). This isn't necessarily related to finding good deals or shopping but since I'm a severe weather fanatic, whenever an exciting weather event is predicted, I nearly jump out of my skin I get so riled up. As soon as it starts snowing, I'm the one who runs around to each window watching it accumulate for hours whereas the rest of my family are just like 'cool.' I can completely relate to the "I feel like part of me is not grown up' sentiment.

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19 Nov 2012, 3:49 pm

Sounds fun!! ! It's your Aspie obsession. So don't let anyone bring you down too low. 8O
you are just excited and focused, there is nothing wrong with that. Your parents should know that by now.

Just keep cool, and shop!

Pain and pleasure are the twins who slowly out of focus spin around us until we finally realize, that everything that gives us pleasure also gives us pain to measure it by!


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19 Nov 2012, 3:53 pm

MADDuck wrote:
Sounds fun!! ! It's your Aspie obsession. So don't let anyone bring you down too low. 8O
you are just excited and focused, there is nothing wrong with that. Your parents should know that by now.

Just keep cool, and shop!

Thanks! I got a NEW PS3 and 360 controller OFFICIAL ONES! So my headset should work YA!


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19 Nov 2012, 4:08 pm

I'm the opposite, bordering on saturnine.


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19 Nov 2012, 4:10 pm

I don't know why people stop exhibiting excitement. I think it's kind of sad. Yes, there are places it is not so appropriate and maybe I have been sheltered a bit as with a checkered work history and what not, I haven't had to worry about being too "professional". I suppose excitement comes out of me the way other things do, straightforward opinions, for example. Even "muffing" my excitement doesn't work so well. It spills out, so to speak. I don't mean to be flippant about it with "oh,well" - I work on managing so much to be with people, I just think that at least this one is "positive energy". I wonder if people ever get jealous of missing that joy at "simple things"? With so much negativity in the world, if other people miss the opportunity for such joy it is their loss. I wish you continued joy where ever you find it.


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19 Nov 2012, 4:22 pm

Logicalmom wrote:
I can get so excited I shoot off like a rocket and bowl people over - I am middle aged. Well, I figure I get to enjoy being a kid forever. People get annoyed with me, but, on this one - oh, well.

Sometimes it's the little thrills in life :D .


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19 Nov 2012, 4:22 pm

A few months ago a thread came up saying that Aspies DON'T get excited. :?


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19 Nov 2012, 4:29 pm

I jump up and down, flap my hands and squeak. My boyfriend thinks it's cute. I generally don't like to draw attention to myself, but if I get excited about something then I will show it.


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19 Nov 2012, 4:32 pm

I think, that everyone can be excited, but that the excitement can be displayed differently per person.
When I am excited I start hand-flapping and jumping and turning in circles an make some high-pitched noises, although I don't like high-pitched noises and I can get an overload from being excited, where I need to rest from afterwards.
I have not seen many adults react this way.
But in sports it seems like supporters show an extreme amount of excitement as well though I don't know if they start hand-flapping and turning in circles, but they do jump, but without the hand-flapping I guess.

English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.


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19 Nov 2012, 4:34 pm

... and there was a post that we DO get excited - we're all different :)


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19 Nov 2012, 4:54 pm

Made by me LOL! Sorry for repeat topics but I just see this as an issue that comes up frequently in my life and I was sharing todays experience and wanted feedback. Thanks a lot everyone.


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19 Nov 2012, 5:01 pm

LOL! I didn't even notice - I was focused on the topic :lol:


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19 Nov 2012, 5:21 pm

Have fun with your new official PS3 and 360 controller! :D