i too find myself going mad about christmas, but for no rason like your's....
logically, christmas is all myths and stolen customs, but that is what makes it so fun for me...
the diversety allows people to celebrate it no matter who they are or what the beleive in... and just because something is a myth, doesn't mean it is bad, santa clause was invented for children, to make them happy, it is a fairy tale to celebrate, to an adult ( this anolagy sucks but, me being only 12, i cannot gine much more) that is like being involved with a famous person, for a child around the age that santa clause is a big thing, leaving cookies and milk out for santa, and it can be translates into the spirit of christmas, the idea of helping others, and being good ( for children, that would be what brings the toys ) is santa, that is christmas spirit.
and just because jesus's birthday isn't known, doesn't mean it is rubbish, christmas is representative of his birthday, it doesn't have to be on it exactly, christmas isn't a birthday, it is a time of indiferance, a time when everyone is equal, however wealthy, poor, or just different. all these things weren't STOLEN, they were ADOPTED, it's what makes it great!
besides, what if jesus was born on a leap year, and leap day!