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18 Dec 2006, 5:06 pm

Anyone else find Christmas to be the most annoying of all holidays?

The music alone can drive you mad but when you stop to think about the fact that the holiday was basically stolen by the christians from the pagans (winter solstice festival) and based on a lie (they just decided to call it Jesus's birthday since they had no idea when it actually was) you start to wonder what the point is.

Christmas trees, decorations and wreaths? Pagan.
Gift giving? Pagan.
Feast? Pagan.
Santa Claus? Myth.
Jesus's birthday? Outright lie.

So whats with the big hooplah? What are we celebrating again other than the continuation of an annual deception?

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18 Dec 2006, 5:10 pm

We're celebrating economics and the encouragement that people, who barely have enough money, run out and spend what they have out of sheer psychological force resulting from the 'expectation' that 'you are to give.'

I mean, I enjoy the so called 'warmth' felt, but I havent felt it in years. Quite frankly, this christmas came around and all I want to do is forget it.


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18 Dec 2006, 5:14 pm

Ah so its a herd mentality thing? They derive enjoyment from doing what everyone else is doing (while the store owners laugh all the way to the bank)?

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18 Dec 2006, 5:17 pm

Fraya wrote:
Anyone else find Christmas to be the most annoying of all holidays?

The music alone can drive you mad but when you stop to think about the fact that the holiday was basically stolen by the christians from the pagans (winter solstice festival) and based on a lie (they just decided to call it Jesus's birthday since they had no idea when it actually was) you start to wonder what the point is.

Christmas trees, decorations and wreaths? Pagan.
Gift giving? Pagan.
Feast? Pagan.
Santa Claus? Myth.
Jesus's birthday? Outright lie.

So whats with the big hooplah? What are we celebrating again other than the continuation of an annual deception?

I have heard that Jesus' birthday was actually in the summer. I am guessing that the misunderstanding comes from the differences between the Jewish calendar and the Gregorian (our) calendar. However, this could cause an additional debate over whether Jesus was actually 33 years old when he was crucified.

And when they show nativity scenes, I don't understand the snow everywhere, because the climate in the Holy Land is quite similar to that of Southern California--unless it's an unusually rare snowfall.


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18 Dec 2006, 5:21 pm

Fraya wrote:
Ah so its a herd mentality thing? They derive enjoyment from doing what everyone else is doing (while the store owners laugh all the way to the bank)?

Somewhat.. I think people enjoy the idea of it. Kids are happy, families come together, etc. Basically, I think it comes down to the fact society, or, its members need to be TOLD when to be nice and kind and give. Notice all the extra attention charities get this time of year?

I would give all year round, I dont need a holiday to do it.


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18 Dec 2006, 5:23 pm

And when they show nativity scenes, I don't understand the snow everywhere, because the climate in the Holy Land is quite similar to that of Southern California--unless it's an unusually rare snowfall.

If you think thats weird then you really shouldnt ponder the fact that according to all the art, statues, etc around him, Jesus and his family are all anglo-saxon living in the middle east.

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18 Dec 2006, 5:25 pm

my bday is in dec........

i just like to chuck the xmas gifts ontop of the bday gifts :D

but i will say; it does feel good to give..... even if you don't get anything back. so maybe that's the spirit?

oh.... and you forgot one thing! EGGNOG hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm!

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18 Dec 2006, 5:32 pm

Fraya wrote:
And when they show nativity scenes, I don't understand the snow everywhere, because the climate in the Holy Land is quite similar to that of Southern California--unless it's an unusually rare snowfall.

If you think thats weird then you really shouldnt ponder the fact that according to all the art, statues, etc around him, Jesus and his family are all anglo-saxon living in the middle east.

I've seen those too. I have also seen art that portray Jesus as being black.


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18 Dec 2006, 5:40 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
I've seen those too. I have also seen art that portray Jesus as being black.


you can either please some of em all of the time.... or please all of em some of the time... so it's said

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18 Dec 2006, 6:00 pm

i too find myself going mad about christmas, but for no rason like your's....
logically, christmas is all myths and stolen customs, but that is what makes it so fun for me...
the diversety allows people to celebrate it no matter who they are or what the beleive in... and just because something is a myth, doesn't mean it is bad, santa clause was invented for children, to make them happy, it is a fairy tale to celebrate, to an adult ( this anolagy sucks but, me being only 12, i cannot gine much more) that is like being involved with a famous person, for a child around the age that santa clause is a big thing, leaving cookies and milk out for santa, and it can be translates into the spirit of christmas, the idea of helping others, and being good ( for children, that would be what brings the toys ) is santa, that is christmas spirit.
and just because jesus's birthday isn't known, doesn't mean it is rubbish, christmas is representative of his birthday, it doesn't have to be on it exactly, christmas isn't a birthday, it is a time of indiferance, a time when everyone is equal, however wealthy, poor, or just different. all these things weren't STOLEN, they were ADOPTED, it's what makes it great!

besides, what if jesus was born on a leap year, and leap day!

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18 Dec 2006, 6:11 pm

it shouldn't really matter what color skin Jesus is now, should it?


because he's Jesus.


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18 Dec 2006, 6:44 pm

Gamester wrote:
it shouldn't really matter what color skin Jesus is now, should it?


because he's Jesus.

did i say that it did? if i did, i did not mean to...

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18 Dec 2006, 7:03 pm

What annoys me about Christmas is that as soon as i get into it, it's done.

I'm the weirdo on the Bus humming Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in May.


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18 Dec 2006, 7:14 pm

I enjoy Christmas - it's always nice to see the decorations, hear the music, and get presents.

But I'd probably hate Christmas if I actually had friends that I had to buy presents for. :D


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18 Dec 2006, 7:28 pm

squier wrote:

besides, what if jesus was born on a leap year, and leap day!

i know someone that happened to (not jesus).... he had to pick a day, either feb 28th or mar 1st.

though, i guess you could pick dec 25th... lol

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18 Dec 2006, 7:36 pm

Most of the Christmas holiday is actually a PAGAN holiday. The winter solstice! The idea of the SNOW figures into that nicely! BTW the German love song(of sorts) "oh tannenbaum" has *****NOTHING***** to do with christmas, but everything to do with the winter solstice and rebirth!

Oh tannenbaum,Oh tannenbaum
Oh fir tree, oh fir tree
Du kannst uns all erfreuen
you can please us all!
Oh tannenbaum,Oh tannenbaum
Oh fir tree, oh fir tree
Du kannst uns all erfreuen
you can please us all!
Du blumst nicht nur im sommerzeit, nein auch im winter wenn es schneit
you bloom not only in the summer time,NO also in winter when it snows
Oh tannenbaum,Oh tannenbaum
Oh fir tree, oh fir tree
Du kannst uns all erfreuen
you can please us all!

Sorry for misspellings, but that IS an accurate translation. NOTHING about Christmas! It is a love song to an evergreen!

BTW some of the respresentations of Jesus HAVE been more realistic! If he existed, he would have been like the arabs. PROBABLY dark hair, dark eyes, typical mid east nose, darker skin, but *****NOT***** black! BESIDES, the bible says that the Arabs came from the Jews, etc... If he was black, some biblical descriptions would be meaningless, and it would mean that somehow other cultures wiped out all the blacks, etc... If they hadn't, the Arabs would be black TODAY. Which has never happened elsewhere, so why would it in the middle east.
