Often. Not physically tired, just emotionally tired. More so I get bored of having AS. I find being shy boring, and as much as I love my friends, I sometimes find them quite boring (not in an offensive way, just in a ''familiarity breeds contempt'' way). I just want to meet new people so I can have a wider circle of friends and more choice of people to go about with, but it's hard to just do that when you're as shy as me. I've even joined social groups before with people similar to me, but I still didn't get that friendly with anyone. With me I tend to make friends when I least expect it.
But this is not just common in Aspies or depressed people. I know a middle-aged NT woman who got so bored with her life and her family that she split up from her husband just to go with a millionnaire, and her friends were also richer than her and so they took her out to these posh parties where she met more rich people, and she's gone on from there and has moved on (or, shall we say, has moved up). I do think this is selfish though, being so she did have 2 children and a loving husband who was on low to average but was a descent provider. I mean, we're all bored with our lives (well, most of us) but we don't ditch our families just to gain a high, rich life. I think I'll rather stick with my family and my friends than to go off and get in with rich snobs.