They did not make a mistake. I have scored high on the Geek test from the (45 or so, can't remember, its a long time since I took the test).
I have all the symptoms.
Social awkwardness.
Don't like to be touched.
I have my special interest.
I don't like to be in groups of people.
I like numbers.
I like technical discussions.
I hate "small talk".
I had a hard time in school making friends.
I like order, and everything to be schedueled.
Maybe I have some comorbid disorder or what you call it, but this is another diagnosis. I do have Aspergers Syndrome, based on what a lot of psychologists and psychiatrists have said. And there is no doubt.
Well, I could have some "comorbid disorder", but this doesn't disqualify me of being an aspie.
Do you really think I could go 6 years in a special school for people with Aspergers Syndrome or infantile autism, without the teachers or social educators asking wether I could have aspergers syndrome? Everybody around me agree I have aspergers syndrome. Even at the time when I tried to hide it, because I didn't like the school (though it was better than the ordinary elementary school).
I'm also on "early retirement". So many cannot make a big mistake, do you really think so?
This however, is not based directly on my diagnosis, but because I cannot have a job because I cannot cope good in social situations, have hard time in everything social etc. need assistance).
I am definetly not like Hitler. Hitler would have seen me as wierd and stupid and dangerous to the wholism.
That I "talk like Hitler" doesn't make me like Hitler. Hitler did not like intellectualism. Hitler hated people with anxiety disorders. Hitler hated people who did not like the "team spirit".