Well, Moondust, I'll tell you:
I'm not a mind reader and don't know what others think of me, but when I get glimpses into their thoughts on me, it's amazing how off base they are.
In many regards, I feel like a projection screen, wherein people project onto me what they think I am without every getting to know me or even asking me. They assume. So I feel I'm really a projection screen of sorts, and what they think about me is whatever they want to project, and it's usually negative, or simply off base.
I've had this problem with some people on this forum too, which is disheartening. It seems often when I try to explain my position, people aren't even willing to hear me out and only get offended further and assume the worst about me. Not only in the real world, but also here among alleged spectrumites, which is more disappointing (I hold you people to a higher standard).
I think many see me as a weirdo, an oddball, a creep. I don't believe myself any sort of genius, and am weary of those who believe themselves to be geniuses or trying to appear as such, but I believe I'm much more perceptive than others, probably because others don't really have to question their surroundings, they just fit in. I've had a lifetime of questioning what is, and why it is. And most people don't like those who ask such questions, because they've never had to ask such questions, and it's unnatrual to them. So they see me as unnatrual.
Don't get me wrong, I miss a lot too, especially in regards to short-term or immediate social nuances. But I think I ask a lot of questions most around me wouldn't think to ask, and don't like to hear.
I think some people might see me as difficult, perhaps intentionally so, for not thinking the way they do. My intent is to question, and get others to question, even if they disagree with me. Yet, they see me as a trouble maker or malcontent. Maybe they don't see that I'm operating on a different system than them, so they assume I must be operating within their system, and since I'm at odds with their behavior, they think I'm blatantly defying their system, meaning I'm no good, when in reality they've totally misunderstood me and where I'm coming from.
Most importantly, though, I may come across as an as*hole to many, especially for my unpopular opinions and bluntness; yet, I think I'm actually a lot more tolerant and accepting of others than most people. They get so nasty with me for not following the social script, they call me the horrible person, but having been in this boat, I'm actually more accepting of others, especially those on the outs of this system, then the majority of others who label me the as*hole. Ironic, they call me intolerant for my behavior, yet they're intolerant in their actions.
If you want elaboration or specifics I could go on, but I don't want to write a dissertation here.