kirayng wrote:
For some reason I could never figure out, I can watch or listen to something and have it be presented to me as 'brand new' yet familiar, like hearing or seeing it for the first time but on another level being comforted by having seen or heard it before. Does that make sense? For example, I'm re-watching Lost and I can watch each episode while suspending the thoughts about having seen it before and watch it as if it is for the first time.
absolutely it does. 'king corn' is also one of mine and i love the fact that i seem to 'forget' the revelations they will make and the quirky things they will say. theres a bit of a negative side it seems also though. detroit 187 is another one of mine and i cant get over detective stone getting shot. i mean, ive seen it so many times and somehow i just...i dont think theres a way to really explain it. i dont see it coming? so i get upset all over again.
so familiar things being new is a positive when it makes me feel good. when michael jackson screams out 'dont think twice' in billie jean i am just so glad that i cant get used to it.
it maybe reminds me of NTs riding roller coasters? they dont seem to get used to that feeling. so its possible we are still talking about sharing something with NTs in regards to repetition, but i doubt it, personally.