For as long as I can remember, I've hated the word 'stomachache.' I can remember being around 5 and encountering a book that used the word, and for some reason I was fascinated by the word and by thinking about what it meant, but I couldn't stand anyone else using or knowing about it. When we read the book, I told my mom she couldn't look at that part (the page containing the word.) When I was like 6, I was reading to my mom and the word came up and I pretended I couldn't pronounce it - she was frustrated because she knew I was smart enough to read it. I would cringe and squirm when anyone used it, I would almost never refer to my stomach hurting, and if it did, I would just say "my stomach hurts", I would never used the word 'stomachache.' My brother is lactose intolerant and so he used to get stomach pains a lot and I remember panicking inside whenever we went somewhere that he would get one and I'd have to listen to it discussed. My tolerance has gotten a LOT better, but I still never use the word, it just isn't part of my vocabulary, and it still jars me a bit to hear it. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as it used to, and I don't have an aversion to any other word, but I remember this distinctly as being one of my first 'ticks' that make me think I have AS. Can anyone else relate? I know this sounds very odd.