Difficulty with my parents and extended family

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28 Nov 2012, 11:31 am

My name is Ken, I live with my parents I was not born with Asperger's syndrome I just developed it at the age of 11 after having an epilepsy removal surgery I am now a young adult and I am finding it quite difficult to live with my parents for a variety of reasons.
I don't have many friends and I don't have any use for a mobile phone, my parents complain and want me to have one just so that they can call or text me but I just have no desire for one, and I am rarely in a position where I would need to be using one.
I have only two or three friends and whenever I am going to see one of them my parents sometimes ask do I want a lift to their house but I always reject because I don't want to speak to any of them.

It's also just the little things we got a new alarm and I was figuring out how to use it my mother wanted to show me something on it that I already knew and interrupted her and said yes I already know and she somehow took major offense to this I don't know about any of you but I hate being told things I already know.

I love just to be alone in my room working away at my own things but they complain how I don't "engage in conversation enough" But honestly I couldn't give a s**t what goes on outside my own life, I don't have anything in common with my parents and I have a strict time table that I need to follow but neither of my parents will acknowledge this and unfortunately they don't bother to try and learn anything about me or my condition.
4 months ago I told my parents I didn't feel comfortable about them talking about my private life to people that I don't know or don't care about but they just didn't listen and last week my dad started talking about me and what I am doing to one of his friends that I haven't seen since I was 9. I went absolutely crazy breaking a glass and just going nuts I can't understand why neurotypical people can't just follow simple directions I even said if you are in a position where you feel you must say something rather than nothing then just lie but they don't get it.
My relationship with my parents has always been quite tense especially with my disciplinarian father whom raised me with a lot of physical abuse as a child up to the age of 17 when he severely beat me, taking me out of school for three weeks so that no body could ask any questions about what happened to my face, I was raised in a strict catholic environment and in many cases that abusiveness can be the norm.
I started talking to them the other night about how aggressive I got but my stubborn father does not understand what it is to be autistic all he wants is for me to just be neurotypical but I wouldn't be happy to live a life in that way. The fact that they refuse to learn more about my lifestyle and I refuse to try and interact with theirs is giving me the only option which is to move out and keep little contact with them.

I don't really care that much for any of my relations and I am almost sure I would be much happier if I were completely alone
within the last 24 months i have been trying to disconnect myself from my extended family, I don't really want to know any of them because I can't relate to them they are all ridiculously over religious and I am the absolute opposite, they love to express their inferiority to one another and I can't stand that. Some of my extended family are very opinionative on my actions and way of life, as an example I was walking past my uncle one day and he smiled at me as I was going towards him but it is common for aspies not smile back immediately and then he says "who died" which was annoying because it's not like i intensionally don't smile. Of course my parents mentioned to most of my relatives that I have a mild form of autism called Asperger's syndrome but I don't think they even bothered to tell them any factors of it, as I said I have avoided them for many months and I really just don't want to know them, it is comming towards christmas now which is the epitome of family occasions but I don't really want to go because i'm just not interested and I never like Christmas.

Sorry for the length of this I would be very interested in hearing your opinions on this


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28 Nov 2012, 1:55 pm

I've spent most of the last years cutting myself off from my extended family. Other people are really nothing more than a hindrance. I infinitely prefer to be alone with only my pets. I don't need or want other people, and especially not my relatives. Not only do I really not care to go visit them when they're town, I don't care for them coming to visit me. There's nothing I hate more than having my routine interrupted by an unannounced visit.

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain