bornlie wrote:
A few years back I had pneumonia and was admitted to the hospital. I was given an Echocardiogram I could actually feel the Ecg as it took readings of my heart. The hospital staff kept asking me if I had taken any drugs lol. Has anything like this happened to any of you?
Aspies are known to have very sensitive bodies. I had to have a radioactive heart test a few years ago, they told me that when it was injected it would just speed up my heart and I would feel as if I had done some exercise. When they injected it, as it circulated it filled my whole body with pain. I was crying and panicking because it was so awful, and two doctors had to hold my hands. It was a totally different reaction to what normally happens with people having that test.
Also, when I was pregnant with both my children I felt them moving way earlier than you are "supposed to". The radiographer doing my scan didn't believe me, which really annoyed me, because I know my body and what I'm feeling.
It's probably the same reason we are so sensitive to medications and when I'm unwell, I feel the sensations of the illness far more than other people seem to.
I do believe I have interoception ( which is basically awareness of inner organs and what is happening inside the body.
*Truth fears no trial*
DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum