VAGraduateStudent wrote:
Try to develop more special interests so that you can rotate them. I wouldn't actively try to NOT do a special interest activity- they seem to help tremendously with stress and well-being.
You could try to expand your interests in order to form an interest rotation. For example, if you're interested in a particular video game, you could then read books that inspired the video game or do something that uses the skills you develop inside the video game. Like you could start going on hikes if you're into playing Legend of Zelda.
There's no reason to "fight" your special interest unless it's harming yourself or others. We couldn't even have this conversation if Dennis Ritchie denied his special interest.
You can try to tie your special interest to alleviate some of the negative symptoms of AS. For example, I'm obsessed with dogs and primates, and I have often used those interests to study social behavior in humans. Afterall, you can think of humans as chimpanzees with a developed prefrontal cortex. I have learned alot about social behavior just from going to the zoo and observing how other animals get along. If you can find a similar connection, maybe you can stop thinking of your special interest as a burden and start thinking of it as something constructive.
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.