While I was at university, I had a few hours of counselling. At first it was weird, but eventually it was an immense help and something I looked forward to every week. I also had a support session with the disability centre, where my autism-related problems were finally taken seriously for once.
Soon I'll start to work and move out from home. On one side this is an immense relief because I'll finally be independent and don't have to deal with my mother's hysterical freakouts and accusations that my autism is just a "lazy excuse". But I'm not sure if I can deal with everything I'll have to do all on my own. I don't have any friends and don't currently get any support.
Is there some kind of special "therapy" for us autistic people? I have an official diagnosis if needed. I mean a place to go to to just ask some questions or maybe get some kind of support for things I don't know how to do on my own. Someone to talk to when I have problems, maybe some help to understand my past problems and to finally get over some things. Someone who knows a thing or two about autism and doesn't mock me or tell me I'm lazy, awkward and useless?
I live in Germany, so it might be different where you live. Still, do you have any ideas?
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