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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Dec 2012, 8:38 pm

My sister told me the other day she's convinced that I have Asperger's. I'm not totally convinced myself, but I have been looking into it. I did the online test, and it suggested I was an "Aspie". But really, I could just be uninterested in people's daily lives, and my lack of social interest and small-talk maybe just be a personality deficiency?
I suppose I should mention, that I'm a 30 year old woman, so (according to what I've read) Apserger's can show up slightly differently in women, and we often go undiagnosed...?

Reason's my sister thinks I have Asperger's:
* I don't do small talk, and when I do I seem to have "set responses"
* My facial expressions sometimes don't match what I'm saying.
* I take things literally (most of the time - but not all the time)
* I have very few friends - mostly by choice.
* A degree of face-blindness
* Obsessed with a few interests, which I would gladly monologue about to anyone showing even the slightest interest.

Reason's I am doubtful:
* I can make eye contact very well.
* I have good inflection and tone in my speech.
* I can make changes to my routine.
* I am very good with money.

I'm not sure really what what response I'm looking for. Just some general guidance I suppose.

Please be kind.


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01 Dec 2012, 8:49 pm

I'd say there is a good chance you might have at least mild aspergers.

Remember that Aspergers can present many different ways. What is hard for one aspie might be easy for another.

Question, when you do interact with people, can you follow non-spoken clues and such?


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01 Dec 2012, 8:58 pm

Hi doi,
I was diagnosed just over 4 years ago. Like you, I have EXCELLANT eye-contact. I also interview so well that I've been able to secure jobs one right after another after another. My Aspergers would pop up AFTER the interview & my lack of social/interpersonal skills would cause me to lose ANOTHER job.
With the changes coming next year (Aspergers being dropped from the DSM here in the U.S.) it might/might not behoove you to go see a Dr for diagnosis (are you in the US? I can't tell from this "Post a reply" screen)

edited to add: Many of us with Aspergers do have very high IQ's, so I'm not so sure that part about the money is applicable...for me, my "problems" have *always" been interpersonal relationships (a complete lack of understanding---even though DH & I will be celebrating our 20-odd anniversary in a month)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Dec 2012, 9:34 pm

thank you for the very speedy replies!

thewhitrbbt - as for non-spoken cues... I'm not sure. Basically when I'm with people I just to be told directly what to do, or I follow the lead of someone I know. My mum recently told someone ".... will do anything you ask of her - but you HAVE to ask".

MsMarginalized - I live in Australia. And I do have social issues. Mostly I don't like meeting people just because generally I hate the idea of small talk (number one pet-peeve). But I do like being with people who share my interest (but then doesn't everybody?). I suppose my interest can be rather strange..... sociology... homing pigeons... reading copious amounts of non-fiction... pulling electronics apart...

I was just reading some other posts about Maladaptive Daydreaming (which is totally me). Totally feeling like I have AS right now...

Is scratching a stim?