Ann2011 wrote:
I feel disassociated from myself. For example, if something makes me feel uncomfortable (like my leg falls asleep) I'm aware of it, but I don't do anything about it. It's like I'm forget that I have to take care of myself. So I think I get what you are getting at.
Yeah, this makes a lot of sense to me as well.
I'm the same.
It's like I tolerate things others would find intolerable, and I suffer in silence more.
I remember when I was small my teacher said to me ''You're limping''. I had some kind of problem with my leg I had simply failed to let anyone know about because I somehow wasn't able to take that step to make my pain known.
Another example; my mum said when I was small she discovered I had a plaster stuck to the inside of my trousers and leg, pinching my skin that had been there for a while. And that I had said nothing about it.
I am still the same. I have always just suffered pain without making a big deal out of it.
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