FlintsDoorknob wrote:
I have a very simple question. Is there a proper way or appropriate place online where I can share my experiences in the mental health system and hospitals? I've been through a lot, although I'm in a relatively stable living situation right now. I haven't been able to get proper therapy for what I think is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder even though it has been 2 years since I stopped getting support. I'm agoraphobic right now, and sick. I can't go to the hospital because of what happened to me to get proper help.
I was wondering if there was a proper place where I could explain my situation, or vent or share my experiences?
It depends what kind of abuse you've experienced. You could try Googling 'mental health survivor' - some people refer to themselves as 'survivors' because of what they have gone through at the hands of the system.
'Are there things that you feel you cannot say to your mental health provider? (doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, counsellor etc).
If you don’t have a mental health provider, why not? What would you say to them if you did?
This can be done completely anonymously, or with your name and age to identify you.
Deadline Saturday April 31st 2012
Get it off your chest by submitting a short (500 word max) account at mindovermatterzine.tumblr.com/submit'