HEY, I feel the SAME way. I try to avoid anyone knowing my birthday. I always have. So, like you, I have no problem there. Holidays(outside of getting off work), really mean NOTHING to me.
I flew down to T.O., and it has been a disaster! I guess it wasn't enough for only ME to have problems this Christmas. My father, and step mother got into a major car accident the day before I was to arrive. They are lucky to be alive, but they BOTH have broken ribs, etc... They have to stay home. Oh well, at least I can help them like my father helped me when I had my heart operation. I am getting groceries, and even took my step mother to meet her friends so she can at least do SOMETHING. NOW, if only I can figure out how to repay my father for a senseless act he did when he was with ME!
When he came to my place, he kept trying lightbulbs, which I TOLD him were bad! He left with one broken bulb jammed into a socket! It took me like an hour to remove it without cutting myself, getting electrocuted, or breaking the socket. I'll NEVER know why he ignored me, or even tried the bulbs. Especially since this would stress me out at a time when I was to be resting, and NOTHING was to be gained by it.