Should I be doing this? Can I stop it?

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08 Dec 2012, 9:21 am

I seem to think far too much about my interests, I don't just let my mind wander to what it wants, I pull myself away from things I'm interested in and force myself to pay attention to one thing, I need to get myself out of it but I don't know how. I don't know how I started doing this- being picky and very conscious of my interests- but I know I must get out of it.
An example of this being I recently got back my old interest in the Narnia series once more and from that- not helped by my constant minor interest in babies- I've suddenly picked up a bit of an interest in our royal family. I feel the typical flutter but I don't have anywhere to go with it, I can feel a page of research melting into my list of things I suddenly really want to do but I become conscious of what I'm thinking of and it comes straight out as embarrassment and I immediately want to shut the interest off again. I know the interest only stems from the future prince/princess and that annoys me enough to want to shove the interest away straight from the beginning.
Does this happen to everyone? Do you consciously pick and choose between what you want to think about? Or is this unhealthy? I just want to be how I used to be again!



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08 Dec 2012, 12:14 pm

something I've learned over years of dealing with severe anxiety is this:

the more you worry about a thought, the more likely it is to crop up again.

you're feeding it. try to accept everything that comes into your head and just let it pass naturally without judging it. even if you only do that for a few minutes every day.

I had the "rubber ducky" song from sesame street stuck in my head for HOURS yesterday. this is no reflection on my character or who I am as a person. what occurs in your mind is not the same thing as who you are. don't judge, don't analyze, and just let it be.

and yes, this happens to many people.

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