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09 Dec 2012, 1:04 pm

Shire came about with Adderall by taking the second revision of what was initially as close to a perfect product as you will find in any medium, with the follow up to Obetrol being still a high quality product (dexamphetamine and amphetamine, a downgrade, but still quality) , and Shire either A) Decided to not have to purchase the rights to ver2.0 by adding l-amphetamine (purely PNS stimulation with no therapeutic value really) and adding a new name and technically its a new, definitely different product clinically, or B) the rights to it had already been forfeited but they added l-amp to distinguish it enough to add some coin to the price tag. Now, what could they do about the Lord of Central Nervous Stimulants, Dexedrine (and the IR formulations as the original GSK IR was made illegal in the US)? Well, demonize it through a smear campaign to well-meaning parents that don't think beyond "My GOD are children are on Devildrine! And this product must be better, look at this explanation of it I by no means understand!", and of course for those that knew this was crap, BAM! doctors started to get reluctant about straight dextroamphetamine sulfate .... OK, well, Focalin was totally overlooked (and the manufacturers clearly has screwed up with the prescribing guidelines, could've been an excellent alternative, and Adderall gets cast off for a horrific product with Adderall XR, and essentially throws that one right under the bus and resorts to trickery again (Vyvanese is unabusable! *short explanation of breakthrough technology that makes it so*), and now ... Focalin is hard to find and good luck finding a doctor willing to dispense a dosing regimen of 10mg q.i. d or insurance to pay for it, Desoxyn and Dex are still.dead (in the US), and almost all Adderall generics are very poor (I liked the so-called brand generic Barr-to-Teva brand, though most seem to prefer Sandoz (not I! 30mg twice daily with barely adequate value and an extremely short length)), and .... Only the US prefers Adderall! Rest of the world goes Dex!

Looking at this post, yep, it seems I've started getting hyper again. Awesome!

Who else thinks thus scenario is deplorable! Who thinks that Javalle.McGee is a.deity! I enjoy oh God what the hell, oh well, I'm hitting new topic anyway


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09 Dec 2012, 1:10 pm

8O :chin:

I've left WP indefinitely.


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09 Dec 2012, 2:38 pm

TallyMan wrote:
8O :chin:


Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
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09 Dec 2012, 2:53 pm


-- Logan


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09 Dec 2012, 2:57 pm

The ramifications of this infotribe will cause the incorrigible miscreants that are in control of this abortion of a medicinal nightmare scenario to read up on their medieval theology and geometry, of that I am certain

And you know what? I really don't know what's up with that one Wild Turkey commercial where a mustaches fellow gives a large, austere man a drink of Wild Turkey, but I suspect --nay, am certain -- that it is in collaboration with the indignant DONK BLOG higher-ups with the Seward man to cause us to become addicted to the idea we can fend off leathered up muscle twinks and attract psychotic Scottish women with that good 'ol rotgut.


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09 Dec 2012, 3:17 pm

Wild Turkey commercial? Wow, that was a non sequitur.

I think we are finding your rant a little hard to follow... something about the politics in the pharmaceutical industry making one variant of a drug harder to get in some places than others? I honestly am pretty confused by what you are trying to say.

Most doctors do tend to try the drugs they're familiar with first, but they'll try others if those don't work. I guess which ones they're familiar with could well be a function of which country they're from.

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09 Dec 2012, 3:34 pm

Are you having a manic episode? You shouldn't be popping stimulants if you have manic episodes...

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09 Dec 2012, 3:43 pm

So is Adderall just as good as the medicine it basically plagiarised but with useless I-amp added, or is it worse because of the I-amp?

Either way, such behaviour is despicable, but to be expected if the goal of medicine producers is profit, not people's well-being.

On a side note, the story is a bit hard to follow. I tend to write the same way if I don't watch myself so I guess it's a common thing. Perhaps you could try dividing it up in paragraphs, and revising those paragraphs from the point of view of someone who doesn't already know a lot about the subject.


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09 Dec 2012, 5:41 pm

Bingo. The original Adderall was of a different name, set of amphetamines (methamphetamine and dexamphetamine, or it was Meth and regular amp), but production was halted due to media demonization, though it was extremely effective for many purposes, and it's kind of a factual opinion methamphetamine and dex are the best at controlling the many symptoms of any of the ADHD sub-types.

The product was picked up a while later, but the manufactuarer switched out Meth with dex (or Meth with amp, whichever the first product did not have in conjunction with the Meth). So, still, not quite Obetrol, I would have to say taking the methamphetamine out lowered the quality of the product, regardless, but the dex was still there. The straight amphetamine had far more unwanted side effects than the calm and clean meth and dex, and the product kind of went unnoticed, as straight dex was well-established.

Shire.down the road, through one means or another, picked it up, and made a brilliant move: utilize a scare campaign about dex (which is njuwhat half of Adderall is comprised of), and to make it a shiny new product alter one of the two amphetamine salt and make it the levo-isomer. So, dexedrine was evil, and this third revision could be sold as a brand-new product due to the l-amphetamine causing clinical significance (the half-life is longer, and it was enough apparently) , and thus.the third generation was born and named Adderall, and being a brand-name product with dexedrine pushed out of the picture ... Yeah.

Now, here we are. Doctor's are granted incentives for distributing new product, and, well, this is what was wanted and many simply stopped prescribing dextroamphetamine sulfate, and now we are stuck with, best case, a huge stepdown. There are some that respond better to Adderall because of the energy uppercut it provides some, but that's sort of like seeing a unicorn.

Treatment is devolving. I'm lucky there's still Adderall IR, and that I am receiving a fairly good generic, though not the one I'd prefer, but OK. Down the road, ugh, things look bleak

Yes, the medication had mostly worn off at the time I felt the impulse to produce that Creature of Chaos seen above, and with my already ... Difficulty with piecing together fragments of my vernacular into a somewhat comprehensible THINGY, yeah ...

I do not suffer from any conditions which involve manic states, nor can I pop stims even if that was the way I'm wired. 'Sides, benzos, opiods, GABA analogues, that'd sorta offset it unless I went Raoh, which is not an option.

So, hm, I seem to have broken my soapbox. I must rustle one up somewhere, my pardon.