so i had roughly a 96% sure case of self diagnosed aspergers, until some weeks ago, when i was officially diagnosed. WP has helped me learn a lot about it as i didnt know a whole lot about it before, and ive come to the conclusion that i stim a lot.
i poke my fingertips with the pointed corners of fabrics any time theres a pointy fabric nearby(corners of pillow cases especially)
i similarly play with the tiny balls of fabric that form on well-used clothing, blankets, sofas, ect, it relaxes me in ways you wouldnt think it would
both of the above extend to rubbing them under my nails, or in my mouth against my tongue or in between my teeth, and sometimes i do it for hours, i actually have a rating system for the quality of the puff ball/corner
when frustrated i pace and flap my hands
also when frustrated i have full on conversations with myself, the more frustrated i get the louder and more intense they become
i have never equated any of this to stimming or aspergers or autism or anything of the sort but upon seeing stuff some of you do it seems to be a clear case of multiple stims
anyone else do these?