Yes and no. Probably a complicated answer, but I'll attempt to explain.
I had seething self esteem issues up until about age 23 as a result of autism. Every day of my life and every action I took was dedicated to trying to be "less autistic" if that makes any sense. I hated myself for having social anxiety. Society dictates that a man can be anything he wants, but he has to be confident in it. I've never had confidence in anything I've ever done, mostly because of social anxiety.
I only realized these things at age 23, I didn't really even fully understand what a self esteem was. So now, I'm self aware, and I'm slowly starting to accept - hey, this is me. I'll probably never fulfill my obligation to my gender role. I'll probably always suffer from social anxiety. I'll never be able to enjoy a meal like other people. I can learn to accept those things and try to change them in more healthy ways rather than getting my self worth from how others perceive me.
The problem is I still have to hide some things and some days I truly do feel inferior as a result of social anxiety. It's not like I can just flip a switch and be confident, though.
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.