Joe90 wrote:
In fact NTs are generally honest and only lie sometimes.
A very Aspie comment

. Sadly, I've realised through life experiences that it's not true. Many people lie for many different reasons, often we may not get to find out about the lie if it didn't directly affect us. I'm not talking about pathological liars who have some sort of mental reason to be like that, I mean people will lie to better their career, lie to save themselves, lie to ingratiate themselves, lie to get or keep a relationship, to get power or money etc. etc. I probably used to believe the best in people once upon a time, until I found out from experience that people are just not nice in that way, which is why I reached the conclusion I have. I don't mean only from my own experiences either, from hearing about the experiences of others too.
Tony Attwood says in The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome "I would add that the apparent paranoia in children and adults with Asperger’s syndrome might also be due to very real social experiences..." which probably applies to me. I have never been able to understand why people are like they are, because I am so honest and I can't see the need to be any other way. Having said that, my honesty has meant that I haven't got ahead in life because I don't really know how to lie and if I try it's unconvincing. Evidence enough to support what I say about NTs generally lying.
*Truth fears no trial*
DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum