Joe90 wrote:
I was taught that the lower end of the spectrum was severe/low-functioning Autistic, and the higher end was mild/high-functioning Autistic or AS. I was diagnosed with AS, and I am typically a mild Aspie too because I fit the description well, like being able to appear normal and able to express my feelings and having self-control and self-awareness and so on. Also I have average intellegence.
I have read somewhere that Aspies have average intellegence, where high-functioning Autistics and moderate Autistics have more higher intellegence, but I don't know if that is definately true, I just read it somewhere in a book.
I suppose that mean's I'm more highly autistic than you for example then; I'm above average intelligence but also much more socially inept than you describe. I'm learning; I suppose that is the advantage of being female is we have slightly more social grace. Slightly
I also have severe OCD which I think if definitely a spectrum problem
I have always suspected I was ''highly autistic'' rather than just a bit anyway. I have it from both sides. My father is autistic, both his parents were and my mother seems to possibly have aspects, and her brother is.
Where do you get it from???
So would most Aspies be considered ''mild''?? I don't think so, there must be a huge range
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