sartresue wrote:
Missing a beat topic
I have to watch a movie a few times before I figure out some of the non verbal language.
This is the case with me in many movies (not all). Often, I realize that I missed something when I watch the Special Features, where the actors and director talk about "what really happened". Then I re-watch the movie, with that thought in mind, and I finally see it. This was the case with "Elizabeth, the Golden Age", I totally missed a lot of the subtext there, so the movie didn´t make sense at times- (why people had outbursts, etc.) But now I get it.
When I saw "The Piano", I totally missed the love story the first time (as it´s mostly non-verbal). I remember wondering where the story was going, and feeling kind of bored...though now I love the movie!
I even had trouble with "Mozart and the Whale" at times, and I tended to take the text too literally (so I wondered why some of the people said the things they did). For this reason, I felt not-included. I think it was more geared for NTs.
"death is the road to awe"