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14 Feb 2009, 8:56 am

Ever since I was in pre-school, I've always had trouble deciphering my dreams from reality. When I was little, I'd be extremely convinced that whatever I dreamed up actually happen and if I had it my way, I would've gotten in a fight over it. This has continued through my whole life. Like if I dream up a conversation or something, I'm like "Did I dream that or did that actually happen?" I know now that the weird, abstract dreams are all just dreams now, but when it comes to the realistic bits, I have a really, really hard time telling the difference. And then the other night, for the first time, I had a dream within a dream, which only ended up confusing the heck out of me. And I can remember all these dreams so vividly, too, so it's really like I was there.

My mind has played plenty of tricks on me like this before, believe me, so nothing's new. But this is really annoying if anything. Does anyone else have this problem? I've been dealing with it all of my life.


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14 Feb 2009, 9:01 am

That happens to me sometimes, but not often.

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14 Feb 2009, 9:04 am

Not that much, it only happened when I was younger, and I still am struggling to separate some memories from dreams and realties when I was younger, but not now.


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14 Feb 2009, 9:06 am

I constantly have this problem. I've had hallucinations before, so I don't know if that's playing a factor in this or not.

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14 Feb 2009, 10:00 am

Just had dream last night in which I 'woke up' in the dream when in reality I was still dreaming. I thought for sure when I 'woke up' that I wasn't dreaming anymore. I even told myself to try and remind myself I was dreaming to make it a lucid dream. Then I woke up in real life and discovered it was all a dream that seemed very real.

Many of my dreams do become real I've noticed. Something will happen during the day and give me that deja vu feeling; then I remembered I dreamed of that situation. Once I dreamed my grandfather was having a heart attack. The next morning we got a call and at the time I was having that dream he really was having a heart attack. Weird....

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14 Feb 2009, 10:11 am

philski wrote:
Just had dream last night in which I 'woke up' in the dream when in reality I was still dreaming. I thought for sure when I 'woke up' that I wasn't dreaming anymore. I even told myself to try and remind myself I was dreaming to make it a lucid dream. Then I woke up in real life and discovered it was all a dream that seemed very real.

Many of my dreams do become real I've noticed. Something will happen during the day and give me that deja vu feeling; then I remembered I dreamed of that situation. Once I dreamed my grandfather was having a heart attack. The next morning we got a call and at the time I was having that dream he really was having a heart attack. Weird....

That's what happened to me for the very first time the other day. I think that dream was actually three days long, come to think of it. It wasn't a happy one, so I wished it had ended sooner.

Huh, I never get the deja vu thing.


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14 Feb 2009, 12:05 pm

Yes, that's a problem with me, too. Dreams, daydreams, Reinforced fantasy, delusions, hallucinations. Where does the truth end and that begin? 8O Though, I don't have a problem with telling the truth. If there's any doubt in my mind about it, it doesn't leave my cranium, ha-ha!


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14 Feb 2009, 12:24 pm

I have almost no problems with that.

I did however have 1 reoccurring dream all throughout my late childhood and early teenage years (ages 8 to 14/15 perhaps) that was absolutely realistic.

In it I always I got up at night, sometimes went to the bathroom, sometimes to the kitchen, felt thirst, felt the carpet beneath me, hear the door creak, hear my steps, taste the drink... it was utterly realistic and all details were in it, including waking up, thinking over where I could go, thinking about how eerie it was to get up at night and horror films and other such things and wanting to switch on the lights.

There was 1 exception to that realism though: the light never came on.

I was, for many years, absolutely certain that these dreams were reality and that at night electricity is shut off and that you thus can't switch on the lights until the next day.

Once I realised that these just had to be dreams I never dreamt this dream again.

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14 Feb 2009, 1:22 pm

I can totally relate to this. When I was little, my dreams mostly consisted of ceiling vents and curtains becoming alive and evil.

As a result, everytime I went into my room at night, I would run down the dark hallway and immediately turn a light on, and this also sort of caused my obsession with staring up at ceiling vents.


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14 Feb 2009, 5:24 pm

Stereokid wrote:
I can totally relate to this. When I was little, my dreams mostly consisted of ceiling vents and curtains becoming alive and evil.

As a result, everytime I went into my room at night, I would run down the dark hallway and immediately turn a light on, and this also sort of caused my obsession with staring up at ceiling vents.

lol Our vents were on the ground when I was little. But at my house now, they're on the ceiling. :wink:

Thanks for the replies, everyone! Glad to know I'm not crazy! lolz


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14 Feb 2009, 5:49 pm

This doesn't really happen to me. In fact, occasionally a memory will pop up in my head (usually an image of a place), and I will quickly be able to determine that I've never really been there, it was from a dream.


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14 Feb 2009, 7:51 pm

Sometimes I have problems with dreams in a similar fashion, well more like dreams that I wish were real and when I find out they weren't real, I get sad.

also see this:

i dreamed this a while ago

me a while ago wrote:
what happened in the dream?

First thing I rememeber in the dream was feeling like I was in an Astral Projection or something similar, basically floating and coming up through this mist, fog and trees and a forest. Not a swamp. Though it was somewhat foggy, there was still light and I was heading toward the light. Then I saw this shiny building, I was inside or something of the like. Windows all outside, and the sun was in the distance, then I rose up to ses it form a different angle. I was doing something, and my mother and her boyfriend came up to me. First they were wondering about why I was doing something (forgot exactly why) a certain way, I explained that it was easier for me to do things a certain way or easier in general in that format (forgot what it was). Then my mother's boyfriend started interrogatin me and asking other questions, more aggressively; which to I responded. They were complaining about me apparently not doing homework or something, then they made accusations of me doing drugs/smoking or some s**t out of a stereotypical teenage movie in the suburbs; though im 18 and a freshman in a community college, and live in the city of chicago [granted I go to college in the suburbs and take the bus to/from]. Some arguments, then apparently she hit me. I kicked her ass, punching her among other things. Surpsisingly her boyfriend did not enter the fra more aggressively; apparently he say she started it, but he broke us up or something. Next thing I remember was walking up a series of stairs; the stairs that wind up; but instead of in a circular format, it was in a box style (the stairway corridor was a square, and that's how I walked up). Remember getting to the to with this room, red carpeting by the window. She went up to me, and started hitting me again (she tried to punsh me with significant force, which I managed to block and deflect, pushing on the arm with my arm after dodging the block; pushing it. I then did punched her, pulling a corkscrew attack (me jumping up, orienting myself in mid-air and twisting and kickign her head with my feet/shoe soles. I repeated this withing less than a second; think time slowed down or froze. I tried to kick her out thre window, think she only hit the window and it broke; then falling. I then saved the game (yes, I mentally saved this as a game; same format as the Empire At War Forces of Corruption menu and save screen; 'lol kill death' or something like that). Then I went down to her and killed her by sticking a screwdriver in her corrated (sp?) arteries, all the while oddly not having too much control. OR more accurately, a part of my mind was sad; while the other part was wanting to do this. I then saved it again mentally. Then I suddenly felt sad. Then the dream switched to me sitting br her corpse, looking through some of her bones and me apparently being oblivious of what I did. As I was seeing myself, I continued to feel sad at this. Then I woke up, still feeling sad for the next ~5-10 minutes laying in the dead. I don't know of this factors in, but before I took the nap, I was reading Socrates' Apologia and the night before my computer f****d up, 2 minutes after exiting the Ultimate Corruption Mod for Star Wars: Empire At War: Forces of Corruption extension pack, the OS (Vists) just froze up. COMPLETELY. Not just the windows explorer and bottom taskbars froze, but even CTRL-ALT-DELETE failed. Then I shut it down, tried to re-start, it failed and was slow annd never re-started fully/was a slow start-up; etc. Also I couldn't get the external hard drive encasing or the SATA Adapter due to some weird semantics about 'needing it' or not; then her complainign that I didn't tell her it was needed, even though I told her numerous times I do not know the future; and I can only tell what I would find useful in the future for various reasons, which apparently isn't strong enough. Another factor in this is that I fell asleep ~3PM Friday and woke up at 6-7PM, after reading that and being pissed off at the computer not working (well not fully; typed this in windows Safe Mode) or able to connect to the net, or run too much. Even the Ubuntu Partition won't start-up. Think a worm aye through the OS, but that won't explain Vista failing. thankfully with safe mode I can at least move all my files off here, and do a full restore if need be (though the comp doesn't come with CDs and their 'burn CD' option for system restore sucks; it kept saying something wrong, an error or something. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Yes so glad I can move all the files, pictures/images, videos, etc. Maybe I can salvage the firefox extensions; re-installing !24 FF extensions is going to be a b***h. glad of though; most bookmarks are FUKKEN SAVED.

Also I typed this from ~10:45 to 10:53 or so on that Friday. The 3 hour delay clouds things and the dream may be different or something along that line.

Friday, January 30, 2009.

Not it's 10:54 ^_^

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14 Feb 2009, 7:55 pm

What is there to say our dreams aren't their own reality anyway?


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14 Feb 2009, 9:06 pm

It happens to me all the time because even though I have bizarre dreams as well and know those are fake, I have realistic dreams that I can't tell if they really happened or it was just a dream. I have hallucinations as well. I had 2 weird dreams last night but I know those were just dreams. One was about a schizophrenic patient in a room (I don't know if this was taking place in a hospital or not) but she had disorganized schizophrenia and was acting very weird. Then the other dream was that unemployment hit 9.3-9.6% somewhere in that range. Maybe its a psychic dream! Lets pray unemployment doesn't hit that high this year!


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27 Dec 2012, 7:44 pm

I just "googled" "mixing dreams with reality" and this came up. I was wondering if anyone else has this issue and it seems like they do. With more stress in my life lately, I seem to be having more of a problem deciphering which happened and which was dreamed. Seems that the more memory issues I have, the more I have issues with this, along with stress. I wish I could find more info about this from something more than just blogs or forums, though.


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27 Dec 2012, 10:24 pm

I have a similar problem but not nearly to the same extent and I wonder if it can even be called the same thing.

The only time I ever mix up dreams with waking life is when I dream I'm in the kitchen and there is a food I like in the cupboard, fridge, or on top of the cereal cupboard. It's usually junk food.

I wake up and I remember that mom or dad recently bought some more junk food and I make my way downstairs expecting to find it. I look where I remember seeing it and to my disappointment nothing's there. Then I realize that there was never any food there. I dreamt the whole thing.

Last time it was Jois Louis. Everything else is easy for me to discern but this one type of dream throws me off every time I have it.

I also have a false memory that may have originally come from a dream but I'm not sure. It could've originated with my imagination or from something I saw on TV when I was a kid.

The thing is that we don't usually question our memories. If we remember it happening it must of happened. That's why, for a little while, in one instance, I believed something absurd. I believed that when I was younger I had a horn growing out of my head and my mom ripped it out of me just because I remembered it.

If I remember it it must have happened right, wrong? It wasn't until I was thinking about telling someone about the experience that I looked at how I would have sounded and realized the whole thing was absurd. That's when I realized it was a false memory.

I'm wondering if that memory of having a horn growing out of my head was a result of confusing dreams with waking life.