Yes, my intuition borders on paranormal. I don't believe it crosses over though.
The sub conscious mind is very powerful, more so if you allow it to do what it wants/needs. It can be honed, and results in a powerful intuition.
I trust mine implicitly, it doesn't lead me astray. It used to, but over the years it has sort of calibrated itself, so to speak. I also have simply more data to pull from stored away as well. The more information and knowledge one acquires, the more material your sub conscious can pull from.
If something is about to transpire, and you have available to your senses enough of the precursor situational requirements for said something, and you have stored data related to these precursors and the result, then you get a recognition feeling from your sub consciousness. A red flag, that it predicts something is about to happen. If it recognizes it as important, especially if life alteringly so, the warning message is louder and clearer, as if your sub consciousness is screaming at the top of its lungs.
But it doesn't speak in language, so you need to learn to recognize when it is trying to communicate with your conscious mind, and to interpret what it is saying. Not easy, not immediate, but over time and with practice I believe anyone can become more intuitive if that is their goal.
I am Ignostic.
Go ahead and define god, with universal acceptance of said definition.
I'll wait.