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29 Dec 2012, 2:23 am

I seem to have an incredibly well developed sense of intuition (though not in all instances, especially not social situations), and am wondering if this is a common autistic trait?

I think it's a result of the combination of my close attention to detail, ability to notice patterns that most people can't, and great memory, along with my overall excellent observation skills that shapes predictions in my mind or seemingly psychic knowledge.

I don't really have to focus hard when I use it, it just seems to come naturally from my subconscious and I 'feel' it. Are many of you like this too?

Undiagnosed but suspected AS/PDD-NOS
AQ: 33
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29 Dec 2012, 2:55 am

My intuition is very good, I sensed when my mother died from 300 miles away when I was 13 years old, a physical sense I felt through-out my body.

I have experienced visions also from the age of 7 years old and witness strange events that actually happen. Along with telepathy which happens when my mind slows down, my mind has always being a box of tricks.

I also know the time on the hour or half past the hour by sensing it, something I have experienced since I was 12 years old.
I know all the above is connected, let’s call it intuition.

My mind slows down and speeds up again when I’m under certain stress. I literally experience life at both ends of the autism spectrum.
There are no experts that can tell me what’s happening to my mind, so I’m just in the process of publishing a book about what’s really happening to my mind. The book is called (Autism and the mind)

What is intuition anyway? When the brain struggles, the mind takes over...


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29 Dec 2012, 3:00 am

Are many of you like this too?

Yes; and for the same reasons except I am NT. It doesn't seem psychic to me though. It just seems that I correlate facts and instances, current and past, very quickly.

Also, my father was volatile; my mother in denial; a dangerous mix for us kids. As the oldest sibling, I became a very watchful child; I chose to observe the reality of what was transpiring moment to moment. That, I think, developed swift analytical thinking and keen memory. As an older person it presents as intuition; I suspect it's actually more like a large catalog with a quick processor. It didn't come cheap.


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29 Dec 2012, 3:16 am

MountainLaurel wrote:
I suspect it's actually more like a large catalog with a quick processor.

Yes, that's a good way to describe what it's like for me. I observe and store away a ton of information, and when I need to, my subconscious recalls and analyses that data to give me the information I need at the time. The reason I call it intuition is because it doesn't involve any conscious thinking or analysis, I just 'feel' the information like I said. I don't mean I actually have psychic abilities, but to NTs they 'seem' somewhat psychic as they don't understand how else I could come to certain knowledge at times.

Undiagnosed but suspected AS/PDD-NOS
AQ: 33
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29 Dec 2012, 3:40 am

Yes, my intuition borders on paranormal. I don't believe it crosses over though.

The sub conscious mind is very powerful, more so if you allow it to do what it wants/needs. It can be honed, and results in a powerful intuition.

I trust mine implicitly, it doesn't lead me astray. It used to, but over the years it has sort of calibrated itself, so to speak. I also have simply more data to pull from stored away as well. The more information and knowledge one acquires, the more material your sub conscious can pull from.

If something is about to transpire, and you have available to your senses enough of the precursor situational requirements for said something, and you have stored data related to these precursors and the result, then you get a recognition feeling from your sub consciousness. A red flag, that it predicts something is about to happen. If it recognizes it as important, especially if life alteringly so, the warning message is louder and clearer, as if your sub consciousness is screaming at the top of its lungs.

But it doesn't speak in language, so you need to learn to recognize when it is trying to communicate with your conscious mind, and to interpret what it is saying. Not easy, not immediate, but over time and with practice I believe anyone can become more intuitive if that is their goal.

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29 Dec 2012, 6:20 am

I have a good intuition, and that is something which is in agreement with Hans Asperger's notion that people who have a great distance to social situations; field independence, also would be able to judge both the situations and the people in them with a great precision. In addition field independence and psychic experiences are found in research to be correlated, which make my good intuition and my psychic experience completely a normal thing of my autism.


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29 Dec 2012, 7:16 am

Depends on what the situation is really. When It comes to estimating weights, distance, trajectory, volume, mathematical values, or other such things I'm very accurate without having to think about it. When it comes to peoples motives I have to think about it. I may recognize what they are trying to do but their motives are a mystery to me. I guess it's like everything else for me, ridiculously good at some things and brain damaged in others.


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29 Dec 2012, 8:55 am

I can analyze some kinds of situations fairly quickly, and come to a correct answer that may appear to others as intuition, but to my own thinking, such conclusions are the best logical explanation I can find.

I am not certain if I have actual intuition.


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29 Dec 2012, 9:01 am

Verdandi wrote:
I can analyze some kinds of situations fairly quickly, and come to a correct answer that may appear to others as intuition, but to my own thinking, such conclusions are the best logical explanation I can find.

I am not certain if I have actual intuition.

No one is completely rational. There are too many variables in the world around you for you to assess on a completely rational basis. Intuition operates at that subconscious level where logic falls short, filling in the blind spots. You can have poor intuition but there's no such thing as 'no intuition'.

My intuition is pretty damn poor, though. That's why I prefer to rely mostly on rational thought.

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29 Dec 2012, 9:46 am

MattC87 wrote:
I seem to have an incredibly well developed sense of intuition (though not in all instances, especially not social situations), and am wondering if this is a common autistic trait?

I think it's a result of the combination of my close attention to detail, ability to notice patterns that most people can't, and great memory, along with my overall excellent observation skills that shapes predictions in my mind or seemingly psychic knowledge.

I don't really have to focus hard when I use it, it just seems to come naturally from my subconscious and I 'feel' it. Are many of you like this too?

Me too. I can feel negative emotion for instance, but I might not be able to identify which one it is and why it is happening. I have good intuition for events (providing they aren't solely based around other peoples' actions such as with ulterior motives [which I have a problem identifying]), as well as emotion, I just have bad prediction skills as to why people feel the way they do and how they are going to behave.

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29 Dec 2012, 12:54 pm

My enhanced intuition is paranormal (being "above normality" as the word means, not "psychic" as people like to think and attribute as "paranormal"). I tend to know things will happen days, even years before it actually happens.
I've never attributed it to having an ASD though because it has more to do with enhanced perception of events, rather than the environment around us. It's conceivable that they could be related, but somehow I doubt it.

Oh and I tend to be right about 98% of the time in regards to other things, but people don't take me seriously and I'm generally ignored (usually because they don't have the knowledge that I do and can't imagine anything but what they think is fact) until after said event (and sometimes even after).

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29 Dec 2012, 1:33 pm

I CANNOT tell what people are actually feeling, but I have found that I can pick out a liar or anyone not completely genuine in a heartbeat. If I have a bad feeling about someone, I take it seriously.


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29 Dec 2012, 2:36 pm

I've always thought that Dr. House's job would be a good fit for someone with good intuition, good at putting together lots of data and recognizing the pattern as a diagnosis.


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29 Dec 2012, 3:05 pm

Prettay, prettay, prettay good. l think aspies have more in common with intuitive types, then not. Complicated relationship between autism and intuiton, l feel like some Aspie are so intuitive that it impairs their social skills on a superficial level. Of course, other aspies aren't.

For myself l think it's one reason l wouldn't be diagnosed with AS. Though l can be inattentive and definitely in my own world which contributes to social weirdness, l'm ultimate;y tuned in with what others are thinking.

l can imagine myself being even MORE intuitive and so deep into my own world that l couldn't engage with what people are thinking on a conscious level though, if you KWIM. There's a cutoff and even some days when l'm as lost in my own head as l ever get you can notice that l'm not engaged with other people's thoughts. At least not what they're thinking in that moment.

This seems like what's described in many cases of Asperger's to me.

And in the above scenario the people describing those types as lacking empathy and intuition are usually the ones lacking it themselves.


